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February 1, 1958

US Embassy Paris Telegram 3600 to Department of State

In this telegram, U.S. government officials were troubled by the possibility of shared nuclear weapons research in Western Europe. Jean Laloy, the French Foreign Ministry’s director of European affairs, confidentially shared his apprehensions with an Embassy official.

December 14, 1957

John Foster Dulles, Memorandum of Conversation with Chancellor Adenauer

Conversation between John Foster Dulles and Chancellor Adenauer at a NATO meeting. Dulles learned from Adenauer that the French-West German project on nuclear weapons research would soon come to include Italy, to which Dulles expressed reservations and suggested a broader arrangement including the U.S. and the U.K.

June 15, 1995

German Bundestag, 12th Legislative Period, 'Printed Matter 12/5116--Resolution Recommendation and Report of the Foreign Relations Committee (3rd Committee)'

Resolution for the extension of the Non-proliferation Treaty and setting goals for NPT policy.

April 4, 2018

Oral History Interview with Jean duPreez

Member of South Africa’s delegation to the 1995 NPT review conference.

August 12, 1957

Letter from Max Isenbergh, Special Assistant for Atomic Energy, to Robert Schaetzel, Office of Special Assistant to Secretary of State for Atomic Energy, enclosing 'Franco-German Coordination of Advanced Weapons Research, Development, and Production'

During the summer of 1957, diplomats in London and Washington were becoming uneasy as they learned that France and West Germany were setting up formal arrangements to cooperate in the development of advanced weapons systems.

October 27, 1954

Memorandum of Conversation with British, French, and German Embassy Officials, 'German Atomic Energy Program'

In this meeting, Werner Heisenberg, a key figure in Nazi Germany’s atomic bomb project, reaffirmed the West German commitment not to manufacture atomic weapons to a group of U.S., British, and French officials in Washington.

October 12, 2016

Oral History Interview with Tadeusz Strulak

Polish ambassador and chairman of the Drafting Committee at the 1995 NPT review conference.

July 4, 2017

Email Exchange between Harald MĂŒller and Michal Onderco

Email exchange following up on oral history interview regarding the 1995 NPT review conference.

November 14, 2016

Oral History Interview with Uta Zapf

Chairperson of the subcommittee for "Disarmament, Arms Control, and Nonproliferation" of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag.

September 23, 2016

Oral History Interview with Sir Michael Weston

British Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva (1995-1998).
