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August 22, 1950

The US Consul General at Calcutta (Derry) to the Department of State, 'Two Monthly Reports of the Indian Mission, Lhasa, Made by Hugh Richardson'

Reports of the Indian Mission in Lhasa, Tibet, for the months of May and June 1950.

July 14, 1950

Invitation to Visit Aramco

Letters to Chehab and an Aramco representative arranging a visit to Aramco for Chehab.


Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 'Decisions and Resolutions Adopted at the 1995 NPT review and Extension Conference'

Final decisions made at the NPT review conference.


Cartoons drawn by Carlton Stoiber at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference

Drawings of "Del the wonder dog" at the 1995 NPT conference.

April 27, 1995

Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries, 'Result of the Exchange of Views on the Review and Extension Conference on the NPT'

The Ministers of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries agreed that the NPT should be extended and a regular review conference held every five years.

July 25, 1994

Decision, Council of the European Union, 'Concerning the Joint Action Adopted by the Council... Regarding Preparation for the 1995 Conference of the States Parties to the
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons'

The Council of the European Union votes to extend the NPT indefinitely.

April 18, 1995

1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Final Document, Summary and Verbal Records (excerpts)

Opening statements in the General Debate by Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Russia, South Africa, The Netherlands.

January 14, 1994

German Federal Foreign Office, 'British Invitation to the Western Coordination Meeting on 14 January 1994 at the Canadian UN Mission and British Paper on Options and Modalities of NPT Extension'

Copy of a UK paper summarizing NPT extension options and their implications.

January 24, 1995

Preparatory Committee for the 1995 Conference of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 'Indonesia: working paper on the extension of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Options and Action Available'

The Group of Non-Aligned and Other States presents a short working paper summarizing Article X.2 and the available options for extending the NPT.

April 17, 1995

Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation, NPT Conference 17/4/95-12/5/95, 'Darryl’s meeting with Sven Jurchewsky [sic] 145/95'

Summary of meeting with Canadian diplomat Sven Jurschewsky about strategy for the NPT review confernece.
