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October 1994

Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation (PPNN) International Seminar on Issues at the 1995 NPT Conference, 'Preparations for the Conference' by Ben Sanders

An overview of the administrative structure of the NPT review conference and the preparatory work leading up to it, as well as potential procedural problems which have not yet been solved.

December 27, 1994

South African Legal Opinion on Article X.2 of the NPT

Legal analysis of Article X.2, which states that after 25 years the treaty takes force (in 1970), treaty members will hold a conference to determine if the NPT will be extended indefinitely or for an additional fixed period(s).

September 15, 1994

Preparatory Committee for the 1995 Conference of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 'European Union (EU): NPT Extension Options and Modalities'

European Union document on legal aspects in connection with the NPT.

November 29, 1956

Letter, Director-General of Security Colonel Charles Spry to Prime Minsiter Robert Menzies

Spry, the director of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO), apologizes for the arrest of KGB defector Vladimir Petrov, who was under ASIO protection when he left a safehouse and got into an argument while drunk.

December 27, 1951

Letter, Fraser Wilkins to Evan M. Wilson

American diplomat Fraser Wilkins rebuts claims made by Prince Peter of Greece and Princess Irene.

May 23, 1952

Despatch No. 652, American Consulate, Calcutta, India, to the Department of State, Washington, 'Transmitting Memorandum of Conversation between Consular Office and Prince Peter of Greece regarding Tibet'

US Consular Office William Gibson and Prince Peter of Greece discuss developments in Tibet and Indo-Tibetan trade. Princess Irene offers unflattering views on a group of White Russian refugees who exited Xinjiang via Kalimpong and later immigrated to the United States. In a cover note, Evan M. Wilson dismisses Irene's comments but notes that Prince Peter's information was 'quite accurate.'

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that fissionable nuclear materials will not be transfered to any of the countries listed in the annex.

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that in the future West Germany and Iran may cooperate " to build uranium enrichment, or fuel reprocessing installations in Iran."

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild with details of the contract to be signed for nuclear cooperation between West Germany and Iran.

November 25, 1944

Letter No. 425 from L.D. Wilgress, Canadian Embassy, Moscow, to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, W.L. Mackenzie King
