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October 1969

Letter, Walter Ulbricht to the General Secretary of the CPSU, Comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

Ulbricht expresses his consent for the measures proposed by the Soviet leadership. He underlines the demand for an Israeli withdrawal and points out that otherwise it would be necessary to lead a war of attrition against the Israeli occupation forces. The participation of volunteers from the socialist countries would be necessary, but would require further consideration.

January 13, 1970

Telegram from Walter Ulbricht to General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev

Ulbricht informs Brezhnev about his visit to the UAR following an invitation from Nasser. He also says that he wants to get in contact with the Soviet Ministry for Foreign Affairs in order to establish a common line to present to the UAR. Ulbricht also announces a visit to the SAR and Iraq.

October 27, 1983

GDR Ministry for State Security, 'Information about The Escalation of Conflicts within the PLO'

The report evaluates the internal situation of the PLO, which lost its bases in southern Lebanon and is exposed to increased pressure by Arab governments. The report describes the conflict between Arafat and the Syrian branch of the PLO and notes the increase in Syrian influence following a violent incident in Tripoli, in which Arafat and the Muslim Brothers were supposedly involved. Regardless of Syria's strength, the report states that Arafat has shown no inclination to work with the Syrian government. It concludes that a split seems likely, especially since Arafat has oriented himself towards the reactionary Arab forces.

October 11, 1973

Letter from [Syrian President] Hafez al-Assad to [Chairman of the State Council of the GDR] Willi Stoph

Hafez al-Assad tells Stoph about the escalation of the war and about Israeli bombardment of civilian facilities and houses.

November 3, 1973

Letter from GDR Leader Erich Honecker to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad

Letter from Erich Honecker to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad expressing the GDR's opposition to the Israeli occupation of land acquired during the 1967 Six-Day War, and enumerating the military equipment which had recently been delivered to Syria from the GDR.

October 1973

Letter from Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to GDR State Council Chairman Willi Stoph

Undated letter from Syrian President Hafez al-Assad to GDR State Council Chairman Willi Stoph requesting support in conflict with Israel

October 1973

Draft letter from Willi Stoph to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad in response to al-Assad's 6 and 10 October 1973 letters to Stoph

Draft letter from Willi Stoph to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad condemning Israel's aggression against Syria.

August 1, 1983

Letter from Erich Honecker to Hafez al-Assad

Honecker shows his concern about the growing tensions within the PLO and between the PLO and the Syrian leadership. He appeals to Assad to continue his cooperation with Arafat.

June 20, 1967

On Soviet Policy following the Israeli Aggression in the Middle East

East German Document describing the speech by Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev to the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CC CPSU) on the actions undertaken by the Soviet leadership before and during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Brezhnev tells the CC CPSU plenum that the Arab struggle in the Middle East has both a class struggle and a national liberation dimension. Brezhnev blames Israeli aggression for the start of the war and Arab blunders and low morale for the humiliating defeat of the UAR forces. Given the success of the Israeli Defense Forces, the Soviets were forced to consider diplomatic and political methods for saving the Arab leadership. When Israeli forces did not stop their aggression against Syria, threatening to overrun the Syrian capital of Damascus, Brezhnev claims tells the CC CPSU that Soviet leadership warned the Americans that the Soviet Army would have to intervene and, at the same time, threatened the Israeli that any further actions would result in Soviet involvement in the war. Brezhnev claims that, since the war ended just hours after the Soviets had made their threats, the imperialist powers acquiesced to Soviet demands. This German translation of Brezhnev's speech was circulated to the SED leadership.

February 14, 1984

Transcript of a Meeting between Comrade Erich Honecker, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED and Chairman of the State Council of the GDR, with the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Yasser Arafat

At a meeting held in Moscow on the occasion of Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov’s funeral, Arafat cordially thanks the GDR for its “permanent support and solidarity”. Arafat and Honecker discuss the Middle East’s fractious situation, agreeing in particular that the Camp David Accords must be nullified.
