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December 8, 1989

East Germany: Free Election Set Roundtable Shares Power

An analysis of Communist and opposition leaders' decision to host free elections.

December 9, 1989

Czechoslovakia: Civic Forum a Growing Political Power

An analysis of the Civic Forum's efforts to fill the political power vacuum in Czechoslovakia.

December 9, 1989

Bulgaria: Hardliners Purged at Snap Plenum

An analysis of General Secretary Petur Mladenov's removal of two hardliners from their leadership roles.

December 8, 1989

USSR: Lithuanian Decision Will Reverberate Widely

An analysis of the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet's decision to legalize a multiparty political system.

December 8, 1989

East Germany: Who Controls the Guns?

An analysis of the resignation of the National Defense Council.

December 7, 1989

East Germany: Political Vacuum in the Making

An analysis of the unraveling of Communist rule in East Germany and the oppositions' efforts to establish an alternative

December 6, 1989

USSR: Baltic Republics Gain Limited Economic Autonomy

An analysis of the law adopted by the Supreme Soviet to give limited economic autonomy to the Baltic republics.

December 5, 1989

East Germany: Fresh Opposition Support for Reunification

An analysis of growing support for reunification and its role in the upcoming free elections.

December 4, 1989

Bulgaria: Resurgence of Opposition Party

An analysis of the Agrarian Party's emergence in direct opposition to the Communist Party.

December 2, 1989

East Germany: Communist Party Loses its Legal Monopoly

An analysis of the East German Communist Party, its loss of legal power, and forthcoming free elections.
