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January 8, 1963

Record of Conversation with Comrade Blas Roca in the Building of the National Committee

Lösch and Cde. Blas Roca discuss the role of the Soviet Union and its actions in the Cuban crisis and their support of the Cuban revolutionary government.

October 8, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Havana (de Gamboa)

A telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Cuba describing the speech of Cuban President Dorticós, in the UN, as extremely ponderous and even conservative, by Cuban standards. Dorticos alluded at length to the North-American threats against Cuba, evidencing therefore, one more time, the “complex of invasion” that has motivated in large measures the comportment of the revolutionary government in international politics. Dorticos affirmed, moreover, that Cuba desires a “policy of peace and of coexistence” with all countries of the Continent, within an “absolute respect to the principle of non-intervention.”

October 7, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Delegation at the 17th Session of the UN General Assembly (Afonso Arinos), New York

A telegram from the Brazilian delegation to the UN General Assembly describing the impacts and opinions of the U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba from the understanding of the Eastern European and "Iron Curtain countries."

June 28, 1963

Memorandum from the Mexican chargé d’affaires in Washington (OAS) regarding a meeting between Alexis Johnson and Latin American Ambassadors

At the request of the United States Delegation, the Council of the Organization of American States met this morning, in a “secret” session, acting provisionally as an Organ of Consultation, on the case of Cuba. The object of the meeting was to listen to Mr. Alexis Johnson, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, about the latest developments registered in Cuba. The talk was divided into three parts, namely: Presence of Soviet troops on the island; Visit by Prime Minister Fidel Castro to the Soviet Union; and Internal situation in Cuba.

December 26, 1961

Brazilian Foreign Policy toward the Cuban Issue - Secret Foreign Ministry Conclave - Meeting of the Planning Commission on Subjects Related to the VIII Consultative Meeting of the OAS

A meeting of Brazilian diplomats to discuss Brazil's foreign relations with Cuba and its bilateral relations with the United States.

April 9, 1963

Resignation Letter of Jose Miro Cardona to the Revolutionary Council of Cuba

A resignation letter of Chairman Jose Miro Cardona to the Revolutionary Council of Cuba in which he outlines his role in the historical activities of the Council, as well as his concluding thoughts on the actions the Council should take.

April 9, 1963

Memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security re Cuban Revolutionary Council in Exile

A memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security regarding the recently exiled Cuban Counter-Revolutionary Council's meeting with U.S. President Kennedy in Florida to ask him for greater support of the anti-Castro forces.

January 15, 1962

Memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security re Democratic Revolutionary Front (Cuban)

A memorandum informing that the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front will be disbanding due to insufficient economic means. The Front, however, affirmed that it would continue to meet periodically to maintain a nucleus of resistance against Castro’s tyranny.

December 26, 1961

Memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security on 'Political Cuban Refugees'

The Mexican Federal Director of Security's concern regarding the Directors of the Cuban Revolutionary Council (formerly the Cuban Revolutionary Democratic Front), especially with their disorientation over the withdraw of the U.S. Embassy and the unsuccessful propaganda campaign against Fidel Castro. The Director believes this Council will dissolve soon.

November 1, 1961

Information Memorandum of the Anti-Castro Cuban Émigré Forces (Mexico)

An informational memorandum regarding a report received from Guatemala describing the details of the next "imminent" invasion of Cuba (similar to the Bay of Pigs) and the mobilization of counter-revolutionary forces.
