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January 3, 1981

Information on the Meeting with the Delegation of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front of El Salvador (FMLN)

A summary which outlines the main points of discussion raised during a meeting that has taken place on 17 December 1980 in Havana between members of the Bulgarian Communist Party and representatives of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN). The document details the plans of FMLN to proceed with organized political and military action against the current regime in El Salvador. According to the text, the FMLN intends to establish a temporary government of the "Democratic-revolutionary Front" which would propose a cease fire and would support negotiations as an alternative to a complete military victory over the regime.

August 7, 1979

Letter from Sofia to Havana Regarding Perspective Plans for Intelligence & Security Collaboration

June 22, 1981

Report from Gen. M. Minkov, Deputy Minister of the Interior on Bulgarian Delegation’s Visit to Cuba

November 1, 1982

Report on Collaboration between Bulgarian and Cuban Ministries of the Interior for the Period 1979-1982

January 26, 1968

Fragments of the Intervention of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro at the Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party

January 25-26, 1968. F. Castro speaks of relations with the US and Kennedy, friendship with the USSR, as well as placement of missiles, security issues as the US's imperialistic nature, while extolling the virtures of socialism, Cuba, and "The Revolution." Castro also stresses that Soviet withdrawal of weapons from Cuba is a blow to the international Communist movement.

May 29, 1963

Agreement between Cubans and Soviets Regarding Defense and Technology

Agreement between the government of Cuba and the government of the USSR concerning the installation of technical equipment of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, and in reinforcing the defensive capacity of the Republic of Cuba and annexes. Includes timetables and charts outlining the import of resources from the Soviets to the Cubans over a period of several years.

December 30, 1962

Words from Commander-in-Chief Dr. Fidel Castro at the Promotion of Officials Celebrated at the base La Cabana

Words from Fidel Castro at the promotion of FAR officials held at La Cabana.

December 12, 1962

Report of the Conversation by Carlos Rafael Rodrigeuez with Nikita Jruschov, with the Presence of Anastas Mikoyan on 11 December 1962

Report form Carlos Rafael Rodriguez about his interview with Nikita Khrushchev in Moscow on 11 December 1962. "Dinner with Khrushchev" notes: Rodriguez writes about a dinner he attended with Mikoyan, Khrushchev, official delegates, and friends.

December 2, 1962

Letter from Ambassador Carlos Lechuga

Letter from Ambassador Carlos Lechuga to Raul Roa, and note translated from President Osraldo Dorticos. Interview of Mikoyan with Kennedy. Interview with Mikoyan and Dean Rusk.

November 27, 1962

Letter from Blas Roca in Regards to Post-Missile Crisis Cuba

Letter from Blas Roca and Note Translated from President Osvaldo Dorticos. Among other things, he discusses American foreign policy in Cuba, including Guantanamo Bay and the U.S. invasions, and the significance of Marxism.
