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June 3, 1949

Armenian Communist Activities

Report regarding the efforts of the secretary of the Russian Legation in Lebanon to bring young communist Armenians in Syria and Lebanon back to Armenia.

June 10, 1949

Jewish Activities

Report on Lito Bahyut's operation smuggling goods into Palestine.

June 10, 1949

Syrian Activities in Lebanon

Report on Mamdūḥ Maydānī's activities in Lebanon; Maydānī orders cars for the Syrian General Security services and visits Mustafa Saint Charles.

June 10, 1949

National Bloc Party

Report on a National Bloc meeting at Emile Edde's home where the party discussed election laws and sectarianism in the Lebanese government.

June 10, 1949

Jordanian Activities

Report on Jordanian Army dentist Ibrahīm Ḥadād's attempt to get a passport in Qab al-Yās, Glubb Pacha's communications.

June 9, 1949

Zionist Activities in Lebanon

A report on the movements of Murad Hayim Dana, who is working with Viktor [Tamān].

June 8, 1949

Zionist Activities in Lebanon

A report on the movements of Murad Hayim Dana, an Israeli agent, in Beirut.

May 24, 1949

Jordanian Activities in Lebanon

A report on the authorization of Jordanian Army Day and the manufacture of bronze statues in honor of the holiday.

June 8, 1949

Zionist Activities in Lebanon

A followup report on Jack Franco's spy network in Lebanon.

June 2, 1949

Syrian Activities in Lebanon

Information on Syrian surveillance of engineer Carlos Daranda and his wife Gizelle Kfoury who serves as a liason between a Lebanese political organization and the French Legation.
