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October 25, 1962

Telegram from Mexican Embassy, New Delhi

A Mexican diplomat in New Delhi is requesting more information on Brazil’s offer to mediate Cuba conflict and the possibility of Mexico joining that mediation.

October 24, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Mexican Foreign Ministry Official and Chilean Diplomat, Mexico City

The Chilean Chargé d’Affaires visited with the Second Undersecretary of Mexico [Pablo] Campos Ortiz to say that Chile had instructions from their government to communicate to the Mexican officials, first, that Chile would vote in the OAS, in favor of the draft resolution presented by the United States; and second, that Chile would vote, in the UN Security Council, in favor of the United States’ Resolution.

October 24, 1962

Message from Mexican Embassy, Washington (Antonio Carrillo Flores)

The Mexican government recognizes that as the OAS session was ending Secretary Rusk took care to thank our country [Mexico] for its attitude.

November 2, 1962

Cable no. 348 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

Fidel Castro's speech is the centerpiece of this cable from Pavlicek. Castro's rhetoric touched on the unity of the Cuban people, and their refusal to an "undignified agreement." Pavlicek predicts his speech will foster a great response both internally and externally. Castro also acknowledged the help provided by the Soviet Union and the anti-Soviet campaign mounted by counterrevolutionaries. Pavlicek's only complaint was a lack of emphasis on the "critical role" the Soviet Union has played in the negotiations to resolve the crisis. However, the reaction to Fidel's speech is one of calming the situation and a clear orientation for the Cubans.

November 2, 1962

Cable no. 346 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

Pavlicek's primary focus in this cable is the effect of the crisis on the national media. The Cuban media is stressing Castro's 5 Points, and some journalists are hesitant to report anything else. There is a slight thread of anticommunism and anti-Soviet sentiment breeding among the media, but these feelings are not widespread, according to Pavlicek. The press is holding off on coverage of all other events such as the Sino-Indian border conflict and Chinese support for Castro's 5 points until after his speech.

November 1, 1962

Cable no. 347 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

The cable from Pavlicek, received a day late, confirms that Castro's wish to not have an international inspection and dismantling of the missile bases went ignored. This sparked a great outrage among the prominent party members in Cuba, including Ernesto "Che" Guevara, who was crushed with disbelief upon hearing the news. The situation is one of general confusion as everyone awaits Castro's appearance, and his 5 Points to be fulfilled.

November 1, 1962

Cable no. 341 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

Pavlicek relays to Prague the results of the meeting between Cuban foreign minister Raul Roa and UN Secretary General U Thant. Thant expressed sympathy for the Cuban people and acknowledged the right for Cuba to submit their considerations for the resolution to the crisis. The Cuban requests included lifting the American blockade, fulfilling Castro's 5 Points, and no UN inspection of the missile bases. Besides the meeting with the Secretary General, Pavlicek also recounts the meeting of a Latin American delegation including representatives from Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay and Mexico. All nations but Mexico refused to give in to U.S. pressures, and stood in support of Cuba. Pavlicek then moves on to cover the possible subjects of Castro's speech on 1 November, including the Cuban detention of anticommunist groups in country and the results of the negotiations with U Thant. In the meantime, the Cuban government is concerned with curtailing the actions of anti-Soviet groups which have sown confusion and discontent among the population.

November 1, 1962

Cable no. 340 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

Public opinion in Havana has soured after the actions of the Soviet Union to resolve the crisis. The press and radio are preparing the ground for Fidel Castro's speech that day, accompanied by a spike in Cuban nationalism. Castro visited a university where he expressed hope of a resolution to the crisis that would not negatively affect Cuba's security.

October 31, 1962

Cable no. 339 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

Pavlicek relates to Prague how Fidel Castro is in a rage over the decision to dismantle the missile bases in Cuba, as he had not been informed. All efforts of the Cuban government are focused on having Castro's 5 Points fulfilled, while explanations from the Soviet Union that Cuba was not abandoned are spreading. The mood among the Soviets is one of crushing defeat, and some of the technicians have given in to drunkeness in a refuge of despair, refusing to cooperate. The situation in Havana appears grave according to Pavlicek.

October 31, 1962

Cable no. 338 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

Pavlicek reports to Prague that the public situation in Cuba is still uncertain and confused. Castro is expected to give a speech the coming Thursday which would resolve the situation and clarify the position of the Soviet Union. There is a lack of depth in evaluation, and much needs to be explained to the Cuban population by the Soviet Union, as all fear aggressive action by the United States.
