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July 1, 1945

Cable, Summary of Averell Harriman Meeting with T. V. Soong

Harriman reports on a conversation with Chinese Minister Soong about his meeting with Stalin. Soong reports that China and the USSR wish to establish close ties; Harriman encourages Soong on this point.

June 30, 1945

Meeting between Marshal Stalin and Dr. Soong

Stalin and Chinese Minister Soong discuss the necessity of warm relations between China and the Soviet Union; Stalin pledges to support China's position.

June 28, 1945

Record of I. V. Stalin's Conversation with Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia Z. Fierlinger and Deputy Foreign Minister V. Clementis

Stalin and Fierlinger discuss the issues of Transcarpathian Ukraine, tobacco in Czechoslovakia, American troops in Czechoslovakia, the Teshin Region, and the development of the Czechoslovak army.

June 8, 1945

Cable, Summary of Averell Harriman Meeting with Stalin and Molotov

Harriman updates the President on the adverse relations between the USSR and the United States; observes that Stalin cannot understand the United State's interest in establishing an independent Poland.

June 4, 1945

Notes by Wilhelm Pieck on a Consultation with Stalin, Molotov, Zhdanov

Meeting notes on the situation in Germany.

May 2, 1945

Memorandum by Sir Orme Sargent, Deputy Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office, to Winston Churchill

Sir Orme Sargent suggests that the recent Soviet hardening towards Great Britain is due to the influence of Stalin's ministers; connects chilled relations with situation in Austria and Poland.

February 23, 1945

Hugh Dalton Diary Entry Concerning Meeting of Churchill with Junior Ministers

Hugh Dalton discusses Churchill's impressions of the Yalta Conference.

January 28, 1945

Notes of V. Kolarov from a Meeting with Stalin

Stalin opposes Turkey's inclusion in any Balkan federation, suggests that Bulgaria and Yugoslavia's confederation should be postponed and that Bulgaria should assert its rights to the Aegean. He says that the Soviet Union has only allied with capitalist nations to defeat the most dangerous of them, Germany; says that capitalism has decayed and the conditions for socialism are good. Promises Russia's assistance in developing Bulgaria's industry.

January 10, 1945

Notes of G. Dimitrov on a Phone Call from Stalin

Stalin expresses his support for an equal Bulgarian-Yugoslav confederation; cautions the Yugoslav delegation against interfering in Greece.

August 1945

Notes on Stalin's Statement from a Meeting with a Bulgarian Delegation

Stalin rebukes the Bulgarian leadership for postponing elections and fearing their opposition. He gives advice on the reorganization of Bulgaria and its foreign relations.
