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February 1, 1979

Cable, Cabinet to the Swedish Embassy, London, 'For Bothorp from the Press Office, re: Illegal Activities at the Embassy of North Korea in Autumn 1976'

The Cabinet forwards a 1976 press release concerning the North Korean smuggling scandal to the Swedish Press Attache in London.

October 19, 1976

Cable, Cabinet to the Swedish Embassies in Pyongyang, Peking, and Tokyo, via the Political Department

A summary of a meeting with the North Korean ambassador in Stockholm. The ambassador denies involvement in the smuggling affair and criticizes the Swedish press. The Cabinet provides instructions and reassurance to the Swedish embassy in Pyongyang.

October 19, 1976

Cable, Cabinet to the Swedish Delegation to the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, Panmunjom, via the Political Department

The Cabinet provides an update about the police investigation of North Korea's diplomats, stating that the expulsion of the diplomats will wait until the family members of Swedish diplomats in Pyongyang have been evacuated. The Cabinet also warns about potential North Korean counter moves and advises the Swedish delegation at Panmunjom not to enter North Korean territory.

October 19, 1976

Cable, Cornell, Swedish Embasy, Pyongyang, to the Cabinet, Stockholm

Erik Cornell requests that the family members of Swedish diplomats in Pyongyang be allowed to leave the country in light of the possible expulsion of North Korean diplomats from Sweden.

October 18, 1976

Answer to Question from the Press

The head of the Protocol Department remarks that the North Korean embassy's purchases of alcohol and cigarette are way below the statistical average in comparison to other embassy's in Stockholm.

October 18, 1976

Cable, Cabinet to the Swedish Embassy, Pyongyang, and Swedish Embassy, Peking, via the Political Department

The Cabinet informs the Swedish embassies in Pyongyang and Beijing about the police investigation revolving the North Korean embassy in Stockholm. It asks personnel in Pyongyang to make an assessment about their own security in light of the scandal.

October 18, 1976

Cable, Cabinet to the Swedish Embassy, Pyongyang, via the Protocol Department

Report to the Swedish Embassy in Pyongyang with information about the police investigation revolving the North Korean embassy in Stockholm and asking embassy personnel to make an assessment about their own security.

November 2, 1946

Cable Nº 37172/37168 from Tehran

Soviet Ambassador to Iran I. V. Sadchikov reports on increased repression of populist organizations, trade unions, and the People's Party of Iran (Tudeh). He requests instructions on how to advise populists who hope to declare a one-day general protest strike.

October 24, 1946

Cable Nº 35907/35893 from Tehran

Soviet Ambassador to Iran Sadchikov passes along Iranian General Razmara's requests for weapons and ammunition.

October 19, 1946

Cable Nº 35418 from Tehran

Soviet Ambassador to Iran I. V. Sadchikov forwards a letter from Iranian Prime Minister Ahmad Qavam to the Soviet leadership requesting approval for Muzaffar Firuz's appointment as Iranian Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
