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December 26, 1956

Memorandum of Meeting with Khrushchev, Moscow

After lightly rebuking Hoxha's choices to use public trials for the executions of political criminals, Khrushchev reassures Hoxha of the Soviet Union's support for Albania, and concludes with a summary of the Soviet Union's current standing in the international sphere.

September 30, 1967

Memorandum of Conversation between Albanian Council of Ministers Chairman Mehmet Shehu and Mao Zedong

A record of a meeting between Albanian Council of Ministers Chairman Mehmet Shehu and Mao Zedong. Each tells stories of the formation of the Communist cause in their respective countries, and of internal enemies of the Albanian cause, especially Koci Xoxe.

June 29, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation, Albanian Labor Party Delegation with Mao Zedong

The delegation from the Albanian Labour Party meets with Chairman Mao Zedong, where both parties express disapproval toward Krushchev's policies of De-Stalinization. The Albanian delegates reaffirm their belief in the general Communist party of the USSR, despite Krushchev's actions.

November 12, 1960

Report of the Meeting of the Albanian Labor Party Delegation with Leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 12 November 1960

An Albanian delegation headed by Enver Hoxha meets with Khrushchev and other Soviet officials to discuss the deterioration of Albanian-Soviet relations.

July 8, 1967

Memorandum of Conversation between comrade Enver Hoxha and a Delegation of Chinese Red Guards

Enver Hoxha announces that China's Red Guards have "risen to defend the Communist Party, Chairman Mao Zedong, and socialist China."

September 1964

Report on a Visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Albanian representatives report on meeting with North Korean officials who explained the faults in Khrushchev's economic philosophy and commented at length on agriculture in North Korea.

November 5, 1961

Report on a Meeting with the Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea

A report on a conversation with the Ambassador from the DPRK addressing North Korea’s economy, the split in the communist camp, and disagreements with Nikita Khrushchev.

October 21, 1961

Letter from Asan Alimerko, 'An account being submitted'

Hasan Alimerko, the Albanian Ambassador to North Korea, relates the experience of the Albanian delegation that attended the 4th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party. He addresses the delegation’s reception and recalls the conversation with Kim Il Sung, which touched on North Korea’s development as well as on the divisions within the communist camp.


Speech by a Delegation of the People’s Republic of Albania at a Rally in Pyongyang

A speech by a delegate from Albania in which the speaker comments on Albania's foreign policy, economic development and campaigns in North Korea, the Vietnam War, and the United States' global military policy.

June 20, 1966

Report on a Meeting between Enver Hoxha and DPRK Ambassador An Yong

Enver Hoxha meets with the North Korean Ambassador to Albania, An Yong, to discuss North Korea's foreign relations, Titoist and Khrushchevian revisionism, the communist movement, and bilateral relations.
