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October 24, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Instructions on Issuing a Statement to Support Cuba'

A plan from the Chinese Foreign Ministry office to distribute a postition statement to various press outlets regarding the situation of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

November 5, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Instruction to Diplomatic Posts on How to Express Attitude in Response to Khrushchev’s Letters'

Instruction to from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in Yugoslavia (and all other embassies) asking them to avoid commenting directly on the exchange of letters between Kennedy and Khrushchev, but positively indicate China's support for Cuba’s struggle.

November 6, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Instruction on How to Express Positions Regarding the Cuba-Soviet Relationship'

Instructions from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in Cuba instructing them to indicate their support for Fidel Castro's November 1st speech, but advising "with respect to the Cuban-Soviet relationship, [you] should not speak but listen [zhiting bushuo]."

November 27, 1962

Cable from the CCP Investigation Department and the Foreign Ministry, 'Reply on the Visit of Guevara's Mother'

A cable sent to the Chinese Embassy in Cuba detailing documents that are to be brought to the next meeting and advice for "dealing with Guevara's mother."

December 1, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and Chinese Ambassador Shen Jian, Havana

Ernesto “Che” Guevara and Chinese Ambassador Shen Jian discussing the outcome of the Cuban Revolution, especially in terms of how it reflected US-Soviet relations.

April 10, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'The Premier's Discussion with the Indonesian Ambassadors on Convening the Second Afro-Asian Conference'

In a meeting with the Indonesian ambassador, Zhou Enlai emphasized that it was important that many countries would attend the second Asian-African conference and that China wanted the conference to bolster solidarity rather than be a place for argument.

August 18, 1963

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Department, and the General Staff Department, 'Supplementary Report on Handling the Bodies of the Indian Army along the Western Sector of the Sino-Indian Border'

Zhou Enlai's instructions regarding the clearing of bodies of Indian personnel and possible Indian provocative actions related to this issue.

December 27, 1962

Report from the First Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'A Comparison of China’s and India’s Actions since 21 November 1962'

The Chinese report juxtaposed India's provocative actions and China's restrained measures regarding the border dispute.

November 16, 1962

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Preliminary Study of Consequences of Severing Relations with India'

As per Zhou Enlai's request, the Chinese Foreign Ministry put together a preliminary study of the consequences of and how to respond to two contingencies: 1/India severed diplomatic relations with China and 2/India declared war on China

November 15, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Instructions on the Sino-Indian Boundary Issue'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry analyzes the attitude of Latin American countries toward the Sino-Indian border conflict and gave instructions on how to mobilize support for China's cause.
