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November 17, 1957

[Mao Zedong's] Speech to All Chinese Students, Interns, and Embassy Officials in Moscow (Excerpt)

While in Moscow, Mao speaks to Chinese living, studying, and working in the Soviet Union.

February 6, 1965

Record of the First Contact between Premier Zhou and Vice Premier Chen Yi and Kosygin

Premier Zhou and others meet to discuss the current situations in South Vietnam and Laos, U.S. and Soviet strategy, and Chinese-Soviet competition over civil aviation, among other pressing issues.

March 5, 1965

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Pan Zili, ‘Protest to the Soviet Union over the Soviet Police’s Suppression of the Demonstrations against the US and their Arrest and Wounding of Chinese Students’

Zhou Enlai gives instructions to Ambassador Pan Zili to issue a formal note of protest to the Soviet Union following the crackdown on Chinese and Vietnamese students protesting against the United States in Moscow.

March 5, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'On the Request for Instructions/Approval concerning the Soviet Military and Police's Crackdown on Anti-US Demonstrators and the Arrests and Injuring of Overseas Chinese Students'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers how to respond to the Soviet suppression of student demonstrations in Moscow.

March 5, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ‘Soviet Suppression of Student Demonstrations’

The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports on the "barbaric actions" of Soviet police, who injured and arrested students from China and Vietnam, among other countries.

March 5, 1965

Cable from the Division of Soviet and East European Affairs to the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union

The Chinese Foreign Ministry requires additional details and clarifications on the protests in Moscow against the United States.

March 5, 1965

Phone Call with the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union

Chinese students in the Soviet Union were beaten and arrested by Soviet police during the protests against the US bombing of Vietnam held in Moscow.

March 4, 1965

Record of an Important Phone Call, ‘The Soviet Police have Captured and Wounded Chinese and Vietnamese Students who were Protesting against the United States’

The Chinese Embassy makes an emergency report on the arrest and injuring of Chinese and Vietnamese students following the protests against the United States in Moscow.

March 3, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ‘Chinese Students Intending to Participate in the Demonstrations Organized by the Vietnamese Students’

The Chinese Embassy reports that students from Vietnam are organizing a protest against the United States in Moscow and have requested that students from China join the rally.

March 14, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ‘The Situation of the Talks with the Chairman of the Vietnamese Student Association’

The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports that Vietnamese students are indignant at the position of the Soviet Union toward the anti-American protests held by Vietnamese and Chinese in early March.
