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April 19, 1961

Memorandum of Chairman Mao Zedong and Cuban Cultural Delegation

A diplomatic meeting between China's Chairman Mao Zedong and Cuba's Cultural Delegation Education Minister. They discuss educational and cultural affairs of both Cuba and China.

July 18, 1960

Mao Zedong’s Talk at the Beidaihe Central Committee Work Conference (Excerpt)

Mao Zedong declares that, in the absence of Soviet assistance, China must rely only upon itself in its pursuit of technological modernity and socialism.

June 21, 1958

Address by Mao Zedong to the Enlarged Meeting of the Central Military Commission (Excerpt)

Mao addresses the Central Military Commission to report on China's steel production, which he believes will surpass the Soviet Union's capability in seven years and the United States' in ten. He also makes it known that China will build "atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and inter-continental missiles," and believes this can be done in as few as ten years.

February 28, 1958

Conversation of Mao Zedong with Soviet Ambassador Pavel Yudin (Excerpt)

In a conversation with Soviet ambassador Yudin, Mao sees a prohibition of the use of hydrogen weapons as very likely, as the capitalist countries "[fear] fighting this kind of war." Further, he notes that the socialist countries have an advantage over Western ones in terms of conventional army size.

April 25, 1956

Talk by Mao Zedong at an Enlarged Meeting of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Politburo (Excerpts)

Mao speaks to the Central Committee Politburo about the need to develop an atomic bomb to avoid being "bullied," but stresses that this can only happen if economic development increases simultaneously.

November 23, 1953

Mao Zedong’s Remarks at the Banquet for the North Korean Government Delegation

Mao Zedong discusses the significance of the signing of the Sino-North Korean Economic and Cultural Cooperation Agreement at a banquet for a North Korean government delegation. Dismissing that China's aid to North Korea is one-sided, Mao notes that North Korea "helped" China by being in the front line of the struggle against imperialism. North Korea protected China by preventing the imperialists from crossing the Yale River.

December 18, 1949

Telegram, Mao Zedong to Liu Shaoqi, 18 December 1949

October 1, 1969

Mao Zedong's Conversation with North Korean Official Choe Yong-geon (Excerpt), 1 October 1969, at the Tiananmen Gate

Mao Zedong listed the common sense and common interests that China and North Korea share.

October 1, 1968

Conversation Between Mao Zedong and Beqir Balluku

In a conversation between Mao Zedong and Beqir Balluku, they changed views towards the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the revisionists of Soviet Union, and its invasion of Bulgaria.

March 15, 1969

Mao Zedong's Talk at a Meeting of the Central Cultural Revolution Group (Excerpt)

Mao Zedong claimed that the whole country should be prepared against the Soviet Union's invasion.
