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October 2, 1959

Mao Zedong, 'The Relations Between China's Mainland and Taiwan Are Different from Those Between the Two Germanys, Two Koreas and Two Vietnams'

January 28, 1955

Mao Zedong, 'The Chinese People Cannot Be Cowed by the Atom Bomb'

Mao Zedong spoke to the Finnish Ambassador Carl-Johan Sundstrom on the history of Chinese wars with European powers and states that China and Finland have had friendly relations. He then addressed the possibility of the U.S. waging an atomic war over Taiwan and how Chinese would respond. Finally, Mao foreshadowed the downfall of U.S. and British ruling classes to the end of tsarist Russia and Chiang Kai-shek should the United States enter another world war.

June 21, 1975

Conversation Record of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Meeting with Pol Pot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea

This records contains the full transcript of the talks between Mao and Pol Pot (an excerpt was originally published in CWIHP Working Paper #22, '77 Conversations between Chinese and Foreign Leaders on the Wars in Indochina'). Mao Zedong muses on the nature of the struggle between the capitalist and socialist forces within China. He tells Pol Pot not to blindly follow the Chinese model, but adopt Marxist theory to the Cambodian realities.

April 2, 1974

Conversation with Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary, Leader and Deputy Leader of the Delegation of the National United Front and the Royal Government of National Union of Cambodia

Mao talks with with Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, and Prince Sihanouk. They discuss the civil war in Cambodia, the leading political figures in that country, and China's revolutionary experience.

July 20, 1970

Summary of Conversation between Mao Zedong and the Delegation of the People's Republic of the Congo

Mao Zedong offers advice to Alfred Raoul of the People's Republic of Congo, telling him that "You should not go down the same winding path that we took."

December 9, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'India’s Possible Announcement of Severing Relations with China and China’s Countermeasures'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry offers a contingency plan in the event that India, in response to the Sino-Indian Border War, were to sever diplomatic relations with the PRC.

December 13, 1978

Ye Jianying's Speech at the Closing Session of the CCP Central Work Conference

Ye Jianying reflects on the "Fascist dictatorship perpetuated by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four."

December 13, 1978

Hua Guofeng's Speech at the Closing Session of the CCP Central Work Conference

Hua Guofeng reflects on the conclusion of the 1978 Central Committee Work Conference, and describes his policy of the "two whatevers," or the decision to uphold Mao Zedong's policies and instructions.

November 10, 1978

Hua Guofeng's Speech at the Opening Session of the CCP Central Work Conference

Hua Guofeng assesses developments in China since the Chinese Communist Party "smashed the Gang of Four" in 1976. He calls for the CCP to continue to follow the path laid down by Mao Zedong, and comments on China's economic policy and foreign policy.

April 10, 1977

Letter from Deng Xiaoping to Chairman Hua Guofeng, Vice Chairman Ye Jianying, and the CCP Central Committee

Deng Xiaoping offers a self-criticism and says that he endorses the policies of Hua Guofeng.
