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October 9, 1963

Memorandum, Dutch Joint Chiefs of Staff, 'Regarding the Military Desirability of the Creation of a NATO Multilateral Nuclear Force"

Memorandum presented at 11 October 1963 meeting of the Dutch Council of Ministers. The memorandum is highly critical of the military merits of the proposed NATO Multilateral Nuclear Force, and argues that even if the MLF is created, the Netherlands should decline to participate.

June 7, 1963

Meeting Minutes, Council of Ministers of the Netherlands, 'NATO Council in Ottawa and Visit to President Kennedy'

The Council of Ministers report on the NATO council meeting in Ottawa, which Minister of Foreign Affairs Luns and Minister of Defense Visser attended. Luns spoke privately with President Kennedy about the attitude of the French and the possibility of an independent German nuclear arsenal. Visser visited weapons centers in the United States and emphasizes the need to accept American leadership in the defense of Europe.

June 18, 1971

Memorandum of Conversation of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'British inquiry about North Korean activities in the Netherlands'

Memorizes a visit by the British Third Secretary of the Embassy. Having heard that North Korea was considering establishing a trade mission in the United Kingdom, the British were looking for information on similar initiatives elsewhere. The Ministry described the unsuccessful attempt a few years earlier, which was by now a thing of the past.

August 29, 1973

Internal memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

A memorandum on North Korea’s claim to be the sole legal representative of Korea in the context of the United Nations.

July 4, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'The UN and North Korea'

The memorandum notes the Minister's intent to recognize North Korea no later than year's end, if possible. It agrees with the suggestion made in a departmental study that confidential consultations with those countries most involved would be good to get rid of UNCURK and the attached UN Command. It does note that (1) recognition should be postponed until some kind of basic agreement between the Koreas has come about; (2) getting rid of UN Command would create a difficult situation for those American troops still present, which should be addressed.

August 22, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

D.W. Baron van Lynden counsels the Minister not to recognize North Korea unless both Koreas accede to the United Nations AND the Communist countries recognize South Korea. 4 June 1973 memorandum attached.

November 6, 1967

Internal Memorandum of Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korean Note'

A brief note suggests that the 12-page note sent to the Ministry by the North Korean Embassy in Prague should be returned as if never read. The 31 October 1967 North Korean note, introduced by a brief letter in English and provided both in French and in Korean, deals with U.S. imperialism and the risk of war it entails.

July 24, 1963

Letter from Dutch Embassy, Havana (Boissevain), 24 July 1963

Boissevain reports on Fidel Castro. During a banquet held by the Egyptian ambassador, Castro speaks to Swiss Ambassador Masset of a decision to nationalize the former building of the U.S. embassy, currently in use by the Swiss embassy acting as U.S. representatives. Castro is noted as having "the air of one who is boasting to a trusted friend about how he has crossed an opponent." Boissevain thinks it best to keep on Castro's good side and requests an illustrated work of the Netherlands to be sent as a gesture of goodwill.

July 9, 1963

Cable from Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Luns, The Hague, to Dutch Embassy, Havana (Boissevain), 9 July 1963

Dutch Foreign Minister Joseph Luns responds to Boissevain's two cables regarding Castro's proposal for an agreement with the United States. Luns is wary of Castro's request to use the Boissevain as the mediator, and urges caution and reserve. He asks Boissevain to keep him updated of any future developments, should Castro make a future proposal.

July 8, 1963

Cable from Dutch Embassy, Havana (Boissevain), 8 July 1963

Boissevain writes in continuation of the previous cable regarding Castro's desire for a mediator in an agreement with the United States. The Swiss or Czech ambassadors are offered as alternatives by Boissevain. Castro also notes that the Cuban debt to the Soviet Union is far to large, although he still wishes to continue revolution, creating this impasse between Cuba and the United States.
