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November 7, 1969

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Concerning PRC and DPRK Relationship

Principal Secretary of the UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari writes to Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan about the increasingly positive relationship between Chinese officers and government officials and North Korea.

November 6, 1969

Request to Include Item in Twenty-Fourth Session of UN General Assembly Agenda, 'Need to Put an End to the Discussion in the United Nations on the Unification of Korea'

Eighteen member states request the inclusion of an additional item entitled "Need to Put an End to the Discussion in the United Nations on the Unification of Korea" in the agenda of the twenty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly. The item calls for the stop of discussion on the unification of Korea in the General Assembly due to the lack of resolution in the Korean division, its creation of more complications, violation of international law, lack of moral authority, and self-determination of the Korean people to solve the unification problem by themselves.

October 23, 1969

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Concerning ROK Domestic and Peninsular Developments

Principal Secretary of the UNCURK Zouheir Kuzbari updates Chef de Cabinet of the UN C.V. Narasimhan on the passage of the 1969 October 17 National Referendum on the Constitutional Amendment Bill and United Nations Command reaction to the North Korean ambush in the U.S. sector of the DMZ.

October 7, 1969

UN Press Release, 'UNCURK Releases Report to General Assembly'

The UN Press Services released a summary of the UNCURK report. The Commission's report concerned the ROK's willingness for unification, UNCURK's inability to make progress on unification due to DPRK lack of adherence to the authority of the United Nations, security situation, and economic development.

October 2, 1969

Statement of ROK Government Concerning the Korean Question by Foreign Minister Choi Kyu Hah

On behalf of the government of the Republic of Korea, Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Kyu Hah reaffirms the ROK's adherence to the purposes and principles of the UN, acceptance of UN authority on the Korean Question, and concern for North Korea's defiance of UN purposes, principles, and authority to the General Assembly of the UN.

September 6, 1969

UNCURK Report Covering 20 April 1969 to 6 September 1969, UNCURK to the General Assembly

Principle Secretary of UN Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea Zouheir Kuzbari and others in the Commission submit an UNCURK report coverning 20 April 1969 to 6 September 1969 to the General Assembly. The report outlines the objectives of the United Nations in Korea, the question of unification, security problems in the region, and political and economic developments.

September 12, 1969

Letter, Tanzanian Representative Akili B.C. Danieli, Request to Include 'Withdrawal of United States and All Other Foreign Forces Occupying South Korea under the Flag of the United Nations' in the Twenty-fourth General Assembly Session

Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania Akili B.C. Danieli requests the inclusion of "Withdrawal of United States and All Other Foreign Forces Occupying South Korea under the Flag of the United Nations" in the Twenty-fourth General Assembly session agenda on behalf of the government of the United Republic of Tanzania.

September 11, 1969

Note, UN Secretary-General U Thant to the General Assembly, 'Question of Korea: Report of UNCURK'

U Thant requests the inclusion of an additional item in the agenda of the twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly entitled "Question of Korea: Report of the UN Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea."

September 10, 1969

Letter, Czechoslovak Representative Zdenek Cernik, Request to Include Item in the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly Session Agenda, 'Dissolution of the UNCURK'

Permanent Representative of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to the UN Zdenek Cernik informs U Thant that the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic supports the request to include "Dissolution of the UN Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea" to the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly session agenda.

August 18, 1969

Cables, Director of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General Kittani to UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari, Concerning Request of Supplementary Item on GA Agenda

Director of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the UN Ismat T. Kittani cables to Principal Secretary of the UNCURK about the request the addition of supplementary items to the twenty-fourth General Assembly agenda. The requests are titled "Withdrawal of United States and All Other Foreign Forces Occupying South Korea under the Flag of the United Nations" and "Dissolution of UNCURK."
