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July 20, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Friday, 20 July 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 20 July 1990 describes the latest developments in South Korea, China, the Soviet Union, Hungary, Haiti and Persian Gulf.

May 19, 1977

Memorandum for Jimmy Carter from Warren Christopher, 'US Policy in Korea: Withdrawal of Ground Combat Forces'

Warren Christopher sent papers on measures to sustain deterrence in Korea, summarizing major issues including ground force withdrawal schedule, defense compensation package and Air Force Deployment.


Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm (New York: American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, 1976)

The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.


North Korean Journey: A View of Workers’ Democracy

Fred Carrier reports on a visit to North Korea made by the AKFIC in June-July 1973.


For Congress to Act We Must Speak Out, Loud and Clear!

The AKFIC urges the U.S. Congress to positively respond to a letter from North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly.


A Visit to the DPRK: A Report from the Delegation of the American-Korean Friendship and Information Center to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

A report on a North Korean sponsored tour of Pyongyang made by staff and supporters of the AKFIC in 1972.


Korea Must Be Reunified: A Call for Friendship between the Peoples of the United States and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

Kim Il Sung praises the work of AKFIC for giving “wide publicity to our people’s struggle [in the United States]…exposing the fascist dictatorship of South Korean reactionaries…as well as U.S. aggression in Korea.”


Insert included in Operation War Shift: Position Paper, Second (Revised) Edition

The AKFIC claims that "there is much misinformation and deliberate untruth about Korea" in the United States.


Operation War Shift: Position Paper, Second (Revised) Edition

A position paper of the American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, describing the organization's objectives in the context of the Vietnam War.

July 10, 1979

Note for the File, 'Main Points Made by President Kim Il Sung in the Meeting with the Secretary-General on 3 May in PyongYang'

Kim Il Sung claims that North Korea "would like to have economical, political and cultural cooperation with the Republic of Korea."
