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Rules of Procedures Governing Explanations and Interviews by Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission

In 1953 the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission was created in order to deal with the repatriation of thousands of prisoners of war. For those POWs who wished to not to repatriate, a series of explanations and interviews were held in order to allow them to choose their side in a neutral setting. This is a list of the general provisions of the commission which clarifies and explains who, how, and where these interviews would be held.


Freedom to Non-Repatriated Prisoners of War

This note warns that the communists will try to convince the world that these “freed” prisoners are not really freed and during this processing and resettlement period the world will be watching the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China's actions.


The POW Scandal in Korea

According to A.B Carey, one of the lessons learned from fighting the Kremlin and its “communism” ideology is evidently seen amongst the Korean and Chinese prisoners of war. Both groups of POW not only disapprove of the communism but would also actively fight against it if they had the opportunity. Carey uses ten ideas which denounce the Kremlin as the one responsible for the lies and bellicosities during the Cold War. He also proceeds to demonstrate ways the free world can defeat this communist caucus.

September 10, 1954

Letter, Preston Goodfellow to President Syngman Rhee

In this letter, Goodfellow addresses Korean tungsten production and German attempts to buy it. He states Americans will not allow players “behind the Iron Curtain” to own or have the power to set the tungsten world price. He also briefly mentions American military assistance and the first Taiwan Crisis.

May 17, 1954

Letter, Mayor Taeson Kim to General Maxwell D. Taylor

While stationed in Korea, only the United States Army authorities had access to the facilities (park and pools) in the Seoul City Command. Mayor Kim is requesting General Taylor to repair and return these buildings to the Seoul Special City in order to prepare Korean athletes for the Olympics.

May 18, 1954

Press Release, 'Visiting of US Governors'

Between May 24-29, four US Governors (Colorado, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma) will travel to South Korea to observe the development of US and United Nations rehabilitation programs in South Korea.

May 19, 1954

Letter, Director Karl Hongkee to General Maxwell D. Taylor

Director Karl Hongkee seeks General Taylor’s help for the distribution of the Korean newspaper, the Korean Republic, amongst the American personnel. He articulates that this newspaper reflects the government's official policy and is a medium of government announcements which not only allows Americans to identify Korean views, but also helps Koreans access worldwide news.

December 1954

Message, President Syngman Rhee to General Taylor and his forces

In this Christmas Message, President Rhee addresses General Taylor and the US Forces. He praises the US troops for their victory against the communist aggression during the Korean War. Rhee recognizes America for continuing to “defend human liberty” not only in Korea but in all of Asia. Rhee ends the message with the goal of creating a “free, united, and democratic” Korea.

February 10, 1955

Letter, General Taylor to President Syngman Rhee

General Taylor emphasizes the important contributions the Korean National Railway has made toward the military effort and rehabilitation of the Korean civil economy. He informs Rhee that the US will soon reduce its rail supervisory personnel and the Korean government will now have to support and secure the future of the railway-including the new repair and replace program- to help maintain operation after the war.

March 11, 1955

Letter, Lieutenant General C. B. Ferenbaugh to President Rhee

The United States has created a policy to aid the Republic of Korea by 1) strengthening the military establishment and, 2) helping stabilize her economy. Military aid would take the form of 720 thousand troops distributed amongst the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force.
