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May 6, 1954

Letter, James Cromwell to Syngman Rhee

James H. R. Cromwell addresses Rhee's concerns about the Private Enterprise Plan.

July 1, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to James H. R. Cromwell

Syngman Rhee responds to James Cromwell's proposal for the Private Enterprise Plan.

February 23, 1954

Letter, Yu Chang Jun to Colonel James C. Cross

Yu Chang Jun, Secretary of President Rhee, requests clearance for Ida Margarete Choo to enter Korea.

October 23, 1954

Letter, W. F. Marquat to James Cromwell

Major General M. F. Marquat endorses James Cromwell's "Private Enterprise Plan."

March 12, 1954

Letter, to General Maxwell D. Taylor Regarding American Employees

American employees of the Republic of Korea are not receiving promised logistical support from the Eighth Army.

March 11, 1954

Letter, Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

General Maxwell D. Taylor invites Syngman Rhee and Mrs. Rhee to event at the Eighth Army Headquarters.

March 15, 1954

Letter, Yu Chang Jun to General Maxwell D. Taylor

President Syngman Rhee and Mrs. Rhee accept the invitation for an event at Eighth Army Headquarters on March 26.

March 15, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

General Maxwell D.Taylor explains that new authorization is required to provide services to American employees of the Korean government.


The Private Enterprise Plan: Synopsis of Contents

Summary of the Private Enterprise Plan for distributing US foreign aid and its objectives for Korea.

December 1, 1954

Letter, James Cromwell to Syngman Rhee

James Cromwell sends a number of items to Syngman Rhee, including a copy of his speech "A New Foreign Policy for the United States" and information on the Private Enterprise Plan.
