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June 1951

Note, Civilian Road Work Course

Civilian road work course schedule of 10 June 1951 to 17 June 1951 and description of the course.

May 11, 1951

Letter, Lieutenant General John B. Coulter to Syngman Rhee

Lieutenant General John B. Coulter informs Syngman Rhee about the road survey that Colonel Frichard is in charge of, and matter related to civilian engineers.

March 23, 1954

Letter, General James A. Van Fleet to Syngman Rhee

General James A. Van Fleet shows willingness to accept a position such as Ambassador in South Korea if it is offered. He also recommends General Christenberry as a executive director.

March 20, 1954

Letter, General James A. Van Fleet to Syngman Rhee

General James A. Van Fleet send thank you letter for his birthday present.

May 12, 1951

Letter, Lieutenant General John B. Coulter to Syngman Rhee

Lieutenant General John B. Coulter invited Syngman Rhee to a memorial service, likely in connection with the United States' Memorial Day holiday.

April 8, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to General James A. Van Fleet

Syngman Rhee suggests General James A. Van Fleet come to South Korea as an ambassador or economic coordinator. He also writes concerning defense forces in South Korea.

May 14, 1951

Letter, Lieutenant General John B. Coulter to President and Madame Rhee

Lieutenant General John B. Coulter thanks President and Madame Rhee for a gift.

May 16, 1951

Letter, C. P. Koh to Lieutenant General John B. Coulter

C. P. Koh informs Lieutenant General Coulter that Syngman Rhee will be present at a memorial service.

March 25, 1954

Cable, General James A. Van Fleet to Syngman Rhee

Birthday greeting from General James A. Van Fleet to Syngman Rhee

May 17, 1951

Letter, Lieutenant General John B. Coulter to Syngman Rhee

The Department of the Army of the United States advised that procurement in Korea should be obtained by requisition on the Republic of Korea. Several advantages by the system, and included supplies are listed. An opinion in response to the suggestion is attached.
