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February 18, 1980

Memorandum, Secretary of State Vance to President Carter, Enclosing Gerard C. Smith Report to the President, 'Nonproliferation Strategy for 1980 and Beyond'

The memorandum conveys Smith's proposal of rethinking US nonproliferation policy on reprocessing.

November 15, 1979

Department of State Telegram 298150 to US Embassy Tokyo, 'US-Japan Consultations on Non-Proliferation: Non-INFCE Subjects'

The telegram describing the US-Japan Consultations on Non-Proliferation

November 15, 1979

Department of State telegram 296435 to US Embassy Tokyo, 'US Japan Discussions on Post-INFCE Regime'

The telegram describing the US-Japan Discussions on Post-INFCE Regime.

October 19, 1979

Department of State Telegram 273943 to US Embassy Bonn et al., 'Post International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE) Exploration'

Explorations of common approaches to nonproliferation and engery development issues arising out of the nuclear fuel cycle.

November 3, 1979

Memorandum by C.U.D., 'Observations on Our Differences with the West Europeans Over Non-Proliferation'

The memorandum describes a difference between President Carter and the West Europeans over their commitment to limiting reprocessing and plutonium supplies for R&D work on breeder reactors.

October 11, 1979

Memorandum to the Files by Gary R. Bray, ACDA/NP/NE [Bureau of Nonproliferation and Regional Arms Control, Nuclear Energy Division], 'Japanese Plutonium Supply and Demand Update'

The memorandum describing Japan's latest plutonium supply and demand.

August 29, 1979

Memorandum of Conversation, 'Meeting Between Ambassador Gerard Smith and Japanese Minister of State for Science and Technology [Iwazo] Kaneko'

The memorandum describes Japanes Minister of State for Science and Technology emphasizing the significance of a plutonium economy given Japan's energy needs.

February 3, 1979

US Embassy Tokyo Telegram 02669 to State Department, 'Bilateral Nuclear Consultations with Japan'

The telegram describing a meeting between US Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Pickering and Japanese Atomic Energy Commissioner Kinya Niizeki on a plan to use a Pacific island as a storage site for spent reactor fuel.

November 14, 1978

Letter, Ambassador Michael Mansfield to Gerard C. Smith

The letter describes Ambassador Mansfield's assessment of Japanese nonproliferation policy and Japan's skepticism about President Carter's nuclear policy.

August 31, 1977

US Embassy Tokyo Telegram 13359 to State Department, 'Significance of the Japanese Offer to Delay Construction of the Plutonium Conversion Plant'

The cable describing an importance of the Japanese offer to delay construction of the plutonium conversion plant in exchange of them postponing a decision for two years on co-processing.
