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June 23, 1971

Discussion Between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr The Hon. H. Muller and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, His Excellency Dr Rui D’Espiney Patricio

March 15, 1974

South African Mission to the United Nations to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 'Special Committee of Twenty-Four: Consideration of the Question of Territories Under Portuguese Administration'

November 27, 1973

Mike Malone to Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Pretoria, 'Angola: The Progress of the War'

February 9, 1974

Xinhua News Agency, 'Decision of All-China Sports Federation on Participation in Seventh Asian Games'

A Xinhua News Agency press release on the meeting congratulated the Asian Games Federation on its decision to expel the "Chiang Kai-shek clique" (the Republic of China) and invited Taiwanese athletes to participate in the PRC’s team, a decision which would indicate acceptance of the PRC’s control over Taiwanese sports affairs.

November 16, 1973

Speech to the Asian Games Federation Council by Hassan Rassouli, Secretary-General of the Iranian Organizing Committee

Hassan Rassouli, secretary-general of the Iranian organizing committee and director-general of the governmental Iranian Physical Education Organization, makes a speech in support of the People's Republic of China's application to the Asian Games Federation. Rassouli offered a pan-Asian discourse that members could use to publically legitimize their pro-PRC decision by claiming that they were fighting against Western paternalism in sports affairs.

September 18, 1973

Iranian-Japanese Motion to the Asian Games Federation on the Participation of the People's Republic of China

Motion for the acceptance of the People's Republic of China into the Asian Games Federation.

August 1973

Taiwanese Response to the IOC Concerning the PRC’s Application, 'Referring PRC’s Application [sic]'

Taiwanese sports officials complain in response to the People's Republic of China's application to join the Asian Games Federation. The PRC sought to be recognized as the sole representative of "China," effectively ejecting the Republic of China from the organization. The Taiwanese officials sought to present Taiwan as an independent country, which should be permitted to participate alongside the PRC in the Asian Games.

August 7, 1973

All-China Sports Federation Application for Chinese Membership in the Asian Games Federation

After withdrawing from international sports events during the Cultural Revolution, the People's Republic of China recreated ties with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) through the Asian Games. In the application, the PRC asserted it's right to represent all of China "including the Taiwan province" and be recognized as "the sole legitimate organization representing China."

November 11, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1270

The Embassy in Vienna reports that Radio Free Europe (RFE) staff recently detained in Hungary arrived safely in Austria.

November 9, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1130

Text of a personal note sent by Ambassador Bohlen to Foreign Affairs Minister Gromyko regarding an American citizen being detained in Hungary.
