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August 9, 1944

Conversation Between Mikolajczyk and Stalin

Stalin and Mikolajczyk discuss aid to Polish fighters in Warsaw and Post War Poland and Germany

May 19, 1944

Djilas' First Meeting with Stalin

Milovan Djilas relates his first meeting with Stalin and the discussion about the Yugoslav military and other general conversation.

May 17, 1944

Professor Oscar Lange’s Report on his Meeting with Stalin, Submitted to President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Stettinius

Prof. Oscar Lange sends a briefing to the President and Secretary of State about his meeting with Stalin where they discussed Polish Politics.

December 8, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Friday, 8 December 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for Friday, 8 December 1989 describes the latest developments in USSR, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, West Germany, France, Hong Kong, Comoros and El Salvador.

July 21, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 21 July 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 21 July 1990 describes the latest developments in Iraq, Liberia, Koreas, the Soviet Union, Romania, Bulgaria and Panama.

July 20, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Friday, 20 July 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 20 July 1990 describes the latest developments in South Korea, China, the Soviet Union, Hungary, Haiti and Persian Gulf.

January 27, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 27 January 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 27 January 1990 describes the latest developments in the Soviet Union, Germanys, Panama, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and South Korea.

June 26, 1991

J. P. Kavanagh, 'Note of the Secretary-General's Meeting with the Permanent Observer of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, H.E. Mr. Pak Gil Yon'

Permanent Observer of DPRK broached two questions to SG regarding the situation on the Korean peninsula and the application of UN membership.

July 11, 2011

Remarks With European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton After Their Meeting

Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton summarize their talks on Syria, Libya, and the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, among other subjects. They field several questions from reporters on these issues and other consultations between the United States and the European Union.

January 24, 1957

Memorandum for the Director of Central Intelligence, 'Reappraisal of U.S. Propaganda Broadcasting' [Declassified May 6, 2019]

Richard Helms forwards to Allen Dulles a memorandum from the Psychological and Paramilitary Operations staff and the International Organizations Division taking issue with State Department recommendations to reorient and curtail RFE and RL broadcasts.
