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June 1954

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist Conference, Top Secret Instructions to the ROK Delegation

The South Korean delegation at the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist Conference is told that "all the Free Nations of Asia should join in guaranteeing eternal security for each other" through a collective security arrangement.

August 18, 1955

Letter, Minister Chai Yu Choi to General John H. Collier

Minister Chai Yu Choi addresses General Collier's proposal to raise the maximum wage the United Nations Command will pay the Korean Service Corps laborers.

August 26, 1954

Letter, General James A. Van Fleet to Syngman Rhee

After the Korean War, General Van Fleet informs President Rhee that U.S. will bear the cost of rebuilding Korean military forces in order to facilitate the withdrawal of American troops from the Korean Peninsula in the future.

March 18, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to General James A. Van Fleet

President Rhee discusses different tactics with General Van Fleet on how to convince President Eisenhower and the American public to build the ROK's armed forces.

August 31, 1978

Record of Conversation with H.E. Mr. William H. Gleysteen, Jr.

Ambassadors Gleysteen and Miller discuss relations between North Korea and South Korea and the regional situation in Northeast Asia in 1978.

November 1957

Friendship and Solidarity Among Socialist Countries

Kim Il Sung's article, originally published in Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, thanks the Soviet Union and China for assisting North Korea while deriding American foreign policy.

April 21, 1972

Letter, Ahmet H. Ozbudun to C.V. Narasimhan, "ROK Foreign Minister's Contacts"

Ozbudun sends Narasimhan a letter reporting on two meetings in Washington DC between ROK Foreign Minister Kim Yong Shik and US Secretary of State William P. Rogers.

April 21, 1972

Letter, Ahmet H. Ozbudun to C.V. Narasimhan, "US Military Assistance to the ROK"

Ozbudun sends Narasimhan a report on US military assistance to the ROK.

March 8, 1972

Letters between Ahmet H. Ozbudun and C.V. Narasimhan

Ozbudun sends Narasimhan a letter on Mr. Marshall Green's visit to the ROK, the doubling of Japan-DPRK trade during 1972, ROK-DPRK Red Cross talks: 3th working committee meeting, and USSR-DPRK contacts.

September 14, 1972

Letters between Ahmet H. Ozbudun and C.V. Narasimhan

Ozbudun sends Narasimhan a report on press release on UNCURK's report, North-South Red Cross talks, prospects for postponement, report on the UNC to the UN, military armistice commission, ROK troop withdrawal from Vietnam, US troop withdrawal from the ROK, and UNGA documentation on Korea.
