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December 29, 1989

Yugoslavia: Party Endorses End to political Monopoly

An analysis of the Yugoslav Communist Party Central Committee's decision to eliminate the Party's political monopoly.

December 28, 1989

Romania: New Regime Consolidating Security

An analysis of the new government's efforts to eliminate the threat posed by Securitate troops.

December 28, 1989

Romania: Ceausescu-Era Remnants Turning Up in and Around New Government

An analysis of Ceausescu hardliners and their efforts to integrate themselves with the National Salvation Front.

December 28, 1989

Albania: Resisting the Dominoes

An analysis of the Albanian leadership's efforts to stem an upheaval like that in Romania.

December 23, 1989

Romania: Situation Report

An analysis of the National Salvation Front and their decisions to reform Romania.

December 22, 1989

Romania: Situation Report

An analysis of the deterioration of Ceausescu's regime in Romania and its effects on stability.

December 22, 1989

East Germany: Modrow Against the Tide

An analysis of Premier Modrow's efforts to rally support for the continued independence of East Germany.

December 21, 1989

USSR: Lithuanian Party Declares Independence

An analysis of the Lithuanian Party's declaration of independence from the Soviet Communist Party.An analysis of the Lithuanian Party's declaration of independence from the Soviet Communist Party.

December 21, 1989

Romania: Ceausescu Faces the Nation

An analysis of Ceausescu's public recognition of the demonstrations.

December 20, 1989

Romania: Unrest Spreading

An analysis of escalating demonstrations in Romania and their threat to Ceausescu's rule.
