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April 10, 1978

Letter from the Representatives of Canada, France, Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America to the President of the UN Security Council on Proposed Resolution on Namibia

Letter from Western powers delineating their plan for implementation of Security Council Resolution 365, on Namibian independence. Includes processes for holding elections, the creation of the United Nations Special Representative, and transition of power over to the government of Namibia.

June 18, 1977

SWAPO Press Statement, Delivered by D.T. Tjongarero at an Impromptu Press Conference in Windhoek

Press statement by SWAPO accusing the West of stalling the UN resolution for Namibian independence, and of working with South Africa to exploit Namibia. Questions whether some aspects of the resolution have been ignored or discussed without consultation of Namibia.

January 30, 1976

Resolution 385 of the United Nations Security Council on Namibia

UN Security Council resolution condemning South Africa's occupation of and presence in Namibia, and demanding, among other things, that South Africa end apartheid in Namibia and release its Namibian political prisoners.


Defense Intelligence Agency Briefing, 'The 1987-88 Combat in Southern Angola: Lessons Learned'

Analysis of the military campaign waged in Southern Angola in 1987-88 as well as the lessons learned from this exchange. Document indicates that FAPLA failed to learn from its mistakes, while UNITA adapted much more effectively to the combat environment it faced in Angola. Although FAPLA managed to hold on to Cuito Cuanavale, its large losses led to a Cuban build-up in Southern Angola, which challenged the existing military balance in the region. This provided new impetus to peace negotiations and resulted in the December 1988 Accords among South Africa, Angola and Cuba.

December 3, 1975

Memorandum of Conversation with Chinese Delegation led by Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping

Chinese delegation visits the White House and discusses Angola. The Chinese emphasize that South Africa must exit the conflict if there is to be any chance of rallying other African states to oppose Neto.


Interview with Robert W. Hultslander, Last CIA Station Chief in Luanda, Angola

CIA station chief in Luanda, Hultslander gives his perspective on the US involvement in Angola. In his interview he explains what the US knew about liberation movements prior to the outbreak of Civil War, his opinion on the CIA covert action program IAFEATURE, the Cuban presence in Angola and his assessment of the leading factions in Angola; MPLA, UNITA and FNLA.

November 27, 1975

Cable, Henry Kissinger, 'Angola: SAG Requests USG Provide FNLA/UNITA with Military Equipment'

Response to a request made by the South African Defense Forces Chief of Staff to supply UNITA/FNLA. The US believes that UNITA/FNLA are receiving sufficient support to meet their defensive needs.

June 27, 1975

US National Security Council Meeting Minutes on Angola

President Ford is briefed on the situation in Angola and requests possible options that the US could pursue to be made ready.

June 18, 1971

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan

Kuzbari updates Narasimhan on the UN Command's proposal to clear the DMZ for civilian use, the need to validate ROK's accusations against North Korean seaborne attacks, Japan's view that ROK should adapt to communist China's entry into the UN, and the changing liberal attitude of the Korean people in regards to unification.

September 27, 1985

Resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference on South Africa’s Nuclear Capabilities

Alarmed that South Africa may be capable of developing nuclear weapons, the IAEA calls upon South Africa to submit its nuclear facitilies to agency safeguards, and calls upon all IAEA member states to hault nuclear cooperation with South Africa.
