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February 12, 1945

Telegram Regarding Operation Foxley II

A telegram outlining target information for Operation Foxley II.

March 10, 1945

Telegram Regarding U.S. Participation in Operation Foxley and Foxley II

A telegram asking if the United States Government has approved U.S. action in Operation Foxley II.

March 16, 1945

Telegram from London to New York: Capt. E. H. Bennett

A telegram sharing information regarding Captain E. H. Bennett, who will carry out assassinations for Operation Foxley.

March 22, 1945

Telegram from New York to London Regarding Operation Foxley

Information about an asset that will participate in Operation Foxley.

April 2, 1945

Memorandum from Bomber Command Advanced to HQ Bomber Command Air Ministry Whitehall: Target Request

A request for targets to be bombed to support Army personnel.

February 12, 1945

Telegrams Regarding Operation Foxley

Telegram arguing for Operation Foxley.

April 21, 1945

Memorandum from the Fuhrer's Plenipotentiary to SS. Obergruppenfuchrer, Gen Der Waffen, SS. Dr. Kammler: Strahl-Fighter Organization Problems with Supply

German command details a lack of Strahl-Fighter fuel supply and technical assistance in Germany and Czechoslovakia.

February 26, 1947

British Intelligence Report: Information Gathered on Kammler and Dornberger

A collection of information regarding Kammler, Dornberger, and other Nazi scientists.

August 6, 1991

Neil Briscoe, 'Notes of the Secretary-General's meeting with the Permanent Observer of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations'

DPRK Ambassador addresses DPRK's position on denuclearization of Korea peninsula and mentions a proposal to submit Presidential draft resolutions to the Security Council and to the General Assembly regarding the UN membership application.

June 26, 1991

Virendra Dayal, 'Timing of Forthcoming Applications by DPRK and ROK to Join the United Nations'

This note indicates the two Koreas' shared desire to coordinate the timing of their forthcoming applications for membership. In light of this, Mr. Safronchuk is asked to be in touch with both Observer Missions.
