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April 13, 1995

Letter, Alfred Nzo to The Honourable Edward Bwanai, Minister of External Affairs, Malawi

The letter asks for improvements in the review process for the NPT.

December 27, 1994

South African Legal Opinion on Article X.2 of the NPT

A description of X.2 Article of the NPT and a discussion of three potential outcomes: 1) indefinite extension, 2) extension for an additional fixed period, and 3) extension for additional fixed periods.

April 3, 1995

Abdul Minty et al, 'South Africa's Position on the Extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)'

South Africa supports the indefinite extension of the NPT.

March 24, 1995

J. duPreez, 'Credentials for South Africa's Delegation to the Treaty for Nuclear Non-Proliferation Review and Extension Conference'

Credentials for South Africa's delegation to the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Extension Conference.

February 18, 1993

Statement by Leonid M. Kravchuk, President of Ukraine, at the World Economic Forum, Davos, 30 January 1993: 'How to Prevent the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons'

September 13, 2018

Oral History Interview with Richard Butler

Australian diplomat and expert involved in the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Extension Conference.

September 27, 1980

Telegram from the American Embassy in Muscat to the Secretary of State, 'Oman to give Iraq access to facilities for attack on Iran'

In a telegram to the Secretary of State, Buck discusses the Omani decision to give Iraq access to facilities in order to attack Iran, and suggests that the United States must urge Oman to remain neutral in order to promote regional stability.

October 1, 1980

Telegram from the American Embassy in Muscat to the Secretary of State, 'Discussion with Zawawi on Iraqi access to facilities for attack on Iran'

Buck reports on a conversation with Zawawi on Oman's decision to support Iraq against Iran in the Iran-Iraq War.

December 8, 1964

US Comments on the UK Proposal of a Project for an Atlantic Nuclear Force

General comments relating to the establishment of an Atlantic nuclear force, objectives that any new arrangement of NATO nuclear forces must meet, specific comments on the UK's proposal, characteristics of the force, components, contribution of the United States Forces, non-dissemination of
nuclear weapons, command and voting arrangements, review provisions.

January 1, 1964

Atlantic Nuclear Force Her Majesty's Government Proposal

British proposal for a reorganisation of the nuclear arrangements of the Atlantic Alliance that includes objectives, mixed-manned principle, British contribution, command question, relations with NATO.
