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May 11, 1989

CPSU Politburo Discussion of the Memorandum of Six Politburo members on the Situation in the Baltic Republics

Discussion of separatist and nationalist sentiment in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

April 6, 1989

Record of Negotiations between M.S. Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher, London

Negotiations between Gorbachev and Thatcher on U.S. and British concerns, as well as Britain's cautious optimism, about the Soviet Union's perestroika and glasnost policies.

December 10, 1988

Excerpts from the Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev

Chernyaev's diary entry on the worsening situation in the Baltics and implications for the state of the Soviet Union.

October 31, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Gorbachev et al prepare for their upcoming UN visit, and discuss presenting their reformed policies, arms reductions, the implementation of perestroika, withdrawal of troops from Hungary, and overall Soviet-American relations.

June 20, 1988

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Anatoly Chernyaev’s notes from the Politburo session on June 20, 1988, during which military spending, party membership, the progress of perestroika, and CPSU organizational leadership were discussed.

January 26, 1990

Discussion of the German Question at a Private Meeting in the Office of the CPSU CC General Secretary

In a conversation recorded by Chernyaev, Gorbachev candidly discusses the political situation in East and West Germany, the weakness of the Socialist Unity Party (SED), and the Soviet strategy for managing German reunification.

November 10, 1989

Excerpt from the Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev

Excerpt from Anatoly Chernyaev’s diary following the fall of the Berlin War, praising Gorbachev’s vision

October 28, 1988

Excerpt from the Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev

Excerpt from Anatoly Chernyaev’s Diary discussing a meeting between Kohl and Gorbachev and praising Gorbachev’s boldness for declaring a ‘new thinking’ and creating reforms

January 21, 1989

Anatoly Chernyaev’s Notes from the Politburo Session

Anatoly Chernyaev’s notes from the Politburo session on comments by Gorbachev on his meeting with the Trilateral Commission regarding the integration of the Soviet Union into the world economy and the possibility of a united Europe

May 2, 1989

Excerpt from the Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev

Excerpt from Anatoly Chernyaev’s Diary expressing worry at Gorbachev’s lack of conception of the direction in which the Soviet Union is moving
