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April 16, 1956

Report from B. Vereshchagin to the CPSU CC, 'The Korean Armistice Agreement and talks on the Korean question'

Report that provides an overview of the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement. It describes the role of neutral states in monitoring the armistice conditions and lists the steps that the DPRK government has been taking so far to achieve peaceful reunification on the peninsula.

August 16, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 16 August 1960

In a conversation with political seniors in Soviet Union and North Korea, A.M. Puzanov informs Kim Il Sung that Soviet government accepted his offer to have mutual deliveries of goods during 1961 to 1965. Kim Il Sung speaks his opinion in irrigation system control and inter-Korean relations.

August 15, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 August 1960

Puzanov presents at the 15th anniversary of the liberation of Korea celebration. Kim Il Sung makes a congratulatory message on the event and expresses his gratitude for Khrushchev's planned visit to Pyongyang.

July 30, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 30 July 1960

Puzanov and Pak Geum-cheol exchange their opinions on the Soviet-North Korean relationship, Soviet economic aid toward North Korea, and North Korea's policies toward South Korea.

September 23, 1950

CPSU Politburo Decision to Adopt the Attached Draft Response

Telegram telling Vyshinsky to inform Lancaster that Malik consented to a meeting with the assistant Ahesona or one of the American ambassadors, as suggested by Lancaster. Malik should listen to the State Department official and if it's evident that the Americans are taking a step forward towards a peaceful settlement of the Korean question, tell him that Malik should ponder the issues mentioned in the conversation.

September 18, 1960

The Korean People's Democratic Republic (A Brief Memorandum)

Tugarinov discusses the division of the Korean Peninsula in 1945 and the political and economic situation in the DPRK and ROK respectively.

June 14, 1955

Record of a Conversation with Kim Yong-jin, Chief of the KWP Department of Public Organizations

Surkov discusses his conversation with Kim Yong-jin regarding the recent activities of the United Democratic Fatherland Front of Korea (YeDOF) and the measures taken by the Korean Worker's Party to strengthen YeDOF.

April 6, 1955

The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea

Suzdalev comments on the problems with a KWP CC document, "The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea".

January 31, 1955

The Nature of Our Revolution at the Current Stage and the Primary Tasks of Our Party in the Cause of Socialist Development in North Korea

A Korean Worker's Party document which discusses the incomplete nature of the revolution in which the peninsula remains divided and South Korea under American influence. The document also points out the responsibilities of the Party to complete socialist development in North Korea during the transitional period.


The Main Issues for the Conversation with the Korean Comrades

A Soviet memorandum containing recommendations for North Korea's political and economic development as well as foreign policy.
