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November 21, 1945

Telegram from Baku to Moscow, 'The Situation in Iranian Azerbaijan'

Telegram to top Soviet officials describing strikes made by Azerbaijani partisans against Iranian gendarmerie and popular rallies throughout Iranian Azerbaijan.

November 20, 1945

Telegram from Baku to Moscow, 'Additional Information Received from Tabriz'

Telegram to top Soviet officials discussing Iranian troop operations against Azerbaijani partisans, both of which are asking the Soviets for assistance. States that orders have been given for Soviet forces to act against Iranian ones only under extreme necessity.

March 18, 1944

Letter, Dimitrov to Molotov, 'The Situation in the People's Party of Iran'

Message from Dimitrov to Molotov about the 1944 Iranian elections and the upcoming merger of the country's trade unions. Dimitrov attributes the People's Party's loss in the election to corruption among its opponents, but states that the campaign for the People's Party was successful in introducing its ideas to Iranian citizens.

December 9, 1941

Cable from Dimitrov to Stalin, Molotov, Beria, and Malenkov

Cable to top Soviet officials advising against reviving the Communist Party of Iran, and instead advising its members to work through the People's Party. Kuybyshev believes the Communist Party would be too small to be significant, and would give British and Nazi agents in Iran an opportunity to turn Iranian elites against the Soviet Union.

July 6, 1945

Decree of the CC CPSU Politburo to Mir Bagirov CC Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, 'Measures to Organize a Separatist Movement in Southern Azerbaijan and Other Provinces of Northern Iran'

The Soviet leadership informs the leadership of the CPAz CC of the decisions taken regarding the need to organize a separatist movement in Northern Iran. The document sets up a step by step plan to insure that the population in Northern Iran can be manipulated to declare independence and join the Azerbaijan SSR.

June 21, 1945

Decree of the GOKO [State Defense Committee] No. 9168SS, 'Geological Prospecting Work for Oil in Northern Iran'

Decree ordering '"Azneft" [Azerbaijani Oil] Association to supervise geological prospecting for oil deposits in northern Iran under the direction of Narkomneft, the USSR Oil Ministry.
