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Nguyễn Thủ Thanh, 'A Study of the Use of a Number of Psychological Characteristics of Ethnic Chinese in the Interrogation of Accused and Suspected Chinese Spies'

In 1988 a classified Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security’s in-house professional journal published this article offering ideas on how to utilize the “psychological characteristics” of the ethnic Chinese in the interrogation of suspected “Chinese spies”.  At the time the article was published, the once-close alliance between the Vietnamese and Chinese Communist Parties, which Mao Zedong described in 1967 as being “as close as between lips and teeth”, had deteriorated into a vicious military and political conflict between the two former allies.  Chinese efforts to collect intelligence on and to foment internal opposition against the leadership of the Vietnamese Communist Party were of special concern to Vietnam’s security service, and ethnic Chinese residents of Vietnam naturally became a primary focus of Vietnam’s counter-espionage efforts.

October 1, 1977

Talk Given by the Minister [Trần Quốc Hoàn] at the 3rd Investigative Conference [Excerpts]

Trần Quốc Hoàn reviews cases against foreign and domestic spies in the Vietnam Wars.


Lê Thanh Nghị, 'Report on Meetings with Party Leaders of Eight Socialist Countries'

North Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Politburo member Le Thanh Nghi recounts his discussions with socialist leaders in the summer of 1965, just as the war in the south was heating up.

July 18, 1980

Statement of the Conference of Foreign Ministers between Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam

The Foreign Ministers of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam accused Thailand of deliberately complicating the situation in its border areas with Cambodia and Laos. They criticized Bangkok of joining the US in collaborating with China against the Indochinese peoples and labelled this a grand plan of China aimed at expanding its influence and territory into Southeast Asia. The Ministers called for the negotiation and signing of non-aggression treaties between the Indochinese countries and Thailand as well as the other nations in Southeast Asia, cooperation in the issues of refugees and humanitarian relief, etc. They also warned Thailand against supporting the Pol Pot forces, violating Cambodia's sovereignty, inciting riots in Laos and denounced the Chinese invasion of Vietnam.

March 20, 1980

Memorandum by the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry on the Chinese-Vietnamese Negotiations

The Vietnamese Foreign Ministry accused China of uncooperative attitude in negotiation on the Chinese-Vietnamese war. They regarded China's eight-point solution as an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Cambodia and Laos rather than on the immediate issue of Chinese-Vietnamese relations. Vietnam put forward its own three-point solution and asked China to join them in a serious new round of negotiation.

February 17, 1979

Statement of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the Chinese Invasion of Vietnam

The Vietnamese government denounced the Chinese invasion on February 17, 1979.

December 1, 1965

Speech Given by Party First Secretary Le Duan to the 12th Plenum of the Party Central Committee

In this secret policy speech, Vietnamese Communist Party First Secretary Le Duan outlines the North Vietnamese negotiating strategy with United States, including the conditions under which talks between the two sides might first begin.


Comrade B on the Plot of the Reactionary Chinese Clique Against Vietnam

Speech by Comrade B (Le Duan) regarding the plot of reactionary Chinese clique against Vietnam. The document illuminates the views and attitudes of Vietnam's top leader in the crisis year 1979, and also some aspects of the situation within the socialist camp at that particular juncture.