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March 29, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai Receives Soviet Ambassador to China Stepan Chervonenko

Chervonenko informed Zhou Enlai of the Indian invitation and the Soviet Union's decision to send its delegation to the Indian Communist Party's Sixth Congress

July 1, 1950

Conversation between Indian Ambassador Kavalam Madhava Panikkar and Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Hanfu

Zhang Hanfu and K.M. Panikkar discuss the role of the United Nations in ending the conflict in Korea.

January 4, 1956

Abstract of Conversation between Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Pakistani Ambassador to China Sultanuddin Ahmad

Zhou Enlai and Sultanuddin Ahmed discussed the Kashmir issue and the consequences of the Soviet stance. China also expressed its disapproval with Pakistani involvement in the Manila Treaty, the Baghdad Pact and Islamabad's military agreement with the US.

February 25, 1955

Abstract of Conversation: Chinese Premier Zhou receives Trevelyan

Zhou Enlai and Trevelyan debated on the nature of the Manila Treaty and its implications for the Geneva Agreement.They also discussed the issue of the Dai Autonomous Region between China and Thailand and the legal status of Taiwan.

April 10, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'The Premier's Discussion with the Indonesian Ambassadors on Convening the Second Afro-Asian Conference'

In a meeting with the Indonesian ambassador, Zhou Enlai emphasized that it was important that many countries would attend the second Asian-African conference and that China wanted the conference to bolster solidarity rather than be a place for argument.

August 18, 1963

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Department, and the General Staff Department, 'Supplementary Report on Handling the Bodies of the Indian Army along the Western Sector of the Sino-Indian Border'

Zhou Enlai's instructions regarding the clearing of bodies of Indian personnel and possible Indian provocative actions related to this issue.

July 17, 1955

Cable from Pu Shouchang to Qiao Quanhua, 'The Premier's Specific Instructions'

Zhou Enlai's instructions regarding the Sino-US talks

June 3, 1954

Telegram From Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, on the Issue of the US Asking China to Release Convicted US Nationals in China

Zhou Enlai gave a brief overview of the situation, in which he pointed out that there seemed to be disagreements between the US delegation in Geneva and the State Department over whether to talk directly with the PRC delegation. Zhou outlined what the PRC should do if either case materialized.

April 3, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Main points of the Discussion between the Premier and Soekardjo Wiriopranoto'

Zhou Enlai and Sukazuo discussed the visits of high-level officials as well as the preparation for the second Asian-African Conference

February 6, 1956

Zhou Enlai’s Brief Statement to British Chargé d'affaires ad interim Con O’Neill Regarding the Princess of Kashmir Investigation

Zhou Enlai welcomed the British confirmation that the explosion of the aircraft "The Princess of Kashmir" was a sabotage plot by Taiwanese agents. He went on, however, to criticize how the British and the Hong Kong administration handled the case. The latter released some Taiwanese agents whom Beijing held to be related to the murder case, used a person suspected by the PRC to be a Taiwanese agent in the investigation, and escorted several Taiwanese agents out of its border to Taiwan.
