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November 19, 1960

Memorandum of Conversation between Mao Zedong and Ernesto 'Che' Guevara

A diplomatic meeting of a global communist delegation. Many topics are discussed, including: the domestic situation in Cuba, especially the economic situation (for example: sugar sales); American influence and counter-revolutionaries; and comparison to the domestic situation in other Latin and Central American countries, such as: Peru, Colombia, Brazil, etc.).

November 21, 1960

Memorandum of Conversation between Vice-Chairman Zhou Enlai, Party Secretary of the Cuban Popular Socialist Party Manuel Luzardo, and Member of National Directory Ernesto Che Guevara

A diplomatic conversation covering China-Cuba relations, especially economic situations and the aid China is giving to Cuba.

February 11, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Memorandum of Conversation between China’s Ambassador to Cuba, Shen Jian, and Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro'

A diplomatic meeting between Fidel Castro and Shen Jian (from China) in which they discuss the Cuban revolution, US-Cuban relations and imperialism.

April 19, 1961

Memorandum of Chairman Mao Zedong and Cuban Cultural Delegation

A diplomatic meeting between China's Chairman Mao Zedong and Cuba's Cultural Delegation Education Minister. They discuss educational and cultural affairs of both Cuba and China.

October 24, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Instructions on Issuing a Statement to Support Cuba'

A plan from the Chinese Foreign Ministry office to distribute a postition statement to various press outlets regarding the situation of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

October 30, 1962

Chinese Embassy in Cuba, A Report on a Conversation with Two Deputy Department Heads of Cuban General Staff

Two department heads of the Cuban general staff (revolutionary education and film departments) spoke with the military attache to the Chinese embassy in Cuba. They discussed morale of the Cuban troops, relations with other socialist countries and the American airplane shot down over Cuba.

October 31, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Cuban Foreign Ministry Officials Talked about the Situation'

A conversation between Huang Wenyou, Head of Socialist Country Division of the Cuban Foreign Ministry José Fuxá and Cecilio Martinez (previously the first secretary of the Embassy in China) in which they discuss Cuba-Chinese relations of support and negotiations.

October 31, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'A Cuban Leader Talked about the Situation'

A report from a conversation with Joaquín Ordoqui. Two major topics are discussed. First: The Brazilian president, Joâo Goulart, sent his aide, Gen. Albino da Silva to Cuba, indicating that the Brazilian government is willing to mediate in the hopes of solving the Cuban problem, that the US is also willing to maintain relations with Cuba, and that [the Brazilian government] wants Cuba to return to the Organization of American States. And second: When negotiating with [UN Secretary-General] U Thant, we made Cuba's position crystal clear. Fidel [Castro] told him [U Thant] that an inspection, regardless of its form, would not be approved [by Cuban leaders], nor would it be approved by the Cuban people.

November 1, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'The Cuban Foreign Trade Minister Expressed Thanks to China'

A conversation between Chargé d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Cuban Foreign Trade Minister, Alberto Mora Becerra. They discussed China-Cuba relations (Chinese support of Cuba) and an incident in which Chinese comrades forced a Norwegian ship to go to Cuba.

November 1, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'A Cuban Leader Talked about the Situation (Continued)'

A conversation with Joaquín Ordoqui in which UN Secretary-General U Thant, the U-2 spy plane, US military preparation for war, and Cuba's need for political and economic aid were discussed.
