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August 23, 1945

Cable from Vyacheslav Molotov to Soviet Ambassador in the United States

Drafted response from Stalin to Truman regarding Hokkaido and Kurile Islands.

August 19, 1945

Translation of Message from Harry S. Truman to Joseph Stalin

Responding to a message from Stalin, Truman agrees to allow Soviet control of the Kurile Islands, but stresses that all islands of Japan proper, including Hokkaido, are to be surrendered to US forces.

July 7, 1942

Letter to the Soviet Ambassador in Chongqing

At the instruction of the Soviet government and Cde. Stalin personally, the Soviet ambassador to China is instructed to inform Chiang Kai-shek of the worrying views expressed by Shicai Sheng in his recent letter to Stalin, Voroshilov, and Molotov and present him with the text of Molotov's reply.

May 10, 1942

Letter from Governor Shicai Sheng to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov

Governor Sheng describes the investigation into Sheng Shiqi's (the Commander of the Mechanized Brigade of Xinjiang) death, which revealed that Chen Xiuying (his wife) murdered him under pressure from Xiao Zuoxin, the assistant to the Director of the Urumqi office of the Native Corporation. He also reports that Kruglov, Soviet advisor for trade matters, intentionally disrupted trade between the Soviet Union and Xinjiang because of the Xinjiang government's alleged anti-Soviet attitude.

November 1, 1934

Letter from Governer Shicai Sheng to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov

Responding to Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov's letter of 27 July, Sheng expresses his agreement with their assertions about Xinjiang's unsuitability for Communist rule and the inadvisability of overthrowing the Nanjing government. Accepting that he cannot become a member of the Communist Party at this time, Sheng expresses his gratitude for the Soviet assistance he has received and requests that he and Consul General Apresov be permitted to travel to Moscow.

July 27, 1934

Letter from Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov to Governor Sheng Shicai

While expressing appreciate for Sheng's role in pacifying Xinjiang and expressing their firm trust in him, Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov deny his request to join the Communist Party and express their disagreement with the opinions he expressed in his earlier letter. Citing Xinjiang's economic backwardness, they condemn the rapid implementation of Communism in Xinjiang as a "ludicrous" idea and also advise against overthrowing the Nanjing government.

June 1934

Letter of Governor Shicai Sheng to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov

Governor Shicai Sheng expresses his firm belief in Communism, his desire to overthrow the Nanjing Government and construct a Communist state in its place, and the need to establish a Communist Party branch in Xinjiang. Emphasizing his long study of Marxist theory, he requests that Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov allow him to join the Communist Party.


Telegram from Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov to G. Apresov, Consul General in Urumqi

Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov express alarm about Shicai Sheng's red corner and discussions about the possible Sovietization of Xinjiang, reported in an earlier telegram from G. Apresov. They reaffirm that the USSR has no territorial claims on China, denies any plans for the Sovietization of Xinjiang, and declares its firm support for China in its struggle of independence from Japan, Britain, and other imperialist countries.

January 4, 1939

Translation of a Letter from Governor Shicai Sheng to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov

Governor Sheng Shicai expresses gratitude to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov for the opportunity to visit Moscow. After reporting critical remarks made by Fang Lin against the Soviet Union and the Communist Party, Sheng Shicai requests that the All-Union Communist Party dispatch a politically experienced person to Urumqi to discuss Party training and asks that the Comintern order the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang to liquidate the Party organization.

October 3, 1949

Cable, Filippov [Stalin] to the Soviet Ambassador, Pyongyang

Stalin asks the ambassador to find the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Beijing and tell him that they agree with the DPRK's thinking on the feasibility of establishing diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China.
