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January 11, 1954

Letter, Prime Minister Baek Du-jin to General Maxwell D. Taylor

Baek Du-jin requests that the Chosun Hotel be returned to the Ministry of Transportation as soon as possible.

January 15, 1954

Letter, Yu Chang Jun to Colonel James C. Cross

Yu Chang Jun writes that Private First Class Thomas John has completed his assignment designing the interior of the Bando Hotel.

January 19, 1954

Letter, Yu Chang Jun to Colonel James C. Cross

Yu Chang Jun, the Secretary of President Syngman Rhee, asks Colonel James C. Cross to arrange for clearance to enter Korea for Stanley Kiefer to work for the Office of Public Information.

April 22, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to James H. R. Cromwell

Syngman Rhee explains why he cannot not support Cromwell's private enterprise plan proposal as it currently stands.

January 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to President Syngman Rhee

General Maxwell D. Taylor reports a successful meeting on the return of non-repatriated prisoners of war.

November 7, 1953

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Sohn Won-Wil, Minister of National Defense of ROK

General Taylor requests housing and office space for C. Tyler Wood, Economic Coordinator for Korea.

January 10, 1954

Letter, Genearl Maxwell D. Taylor to Prime Minister Baek Du-jin

General Maxwell D. Taylor attaches a copy of his letter sent November 11 informing the Prime Minister about the need to retain use of the Chosun Hotel.

March 17, 1954

Letter, James H. R. Cromwell to Syngman Rhee

James Cromwell reports that Harold Lady will not been granted a visa for entrance to Korea. Walter Robertson was very pleased by the Private Enterprise Plan, and Cromwell is working on a related resolution to present to the Republican Policy Committees.

January 25, 1954

Letter, Yu Chang Jun to Colonel James C. Cross

Yu Chang Jun asks James C. Cross to arrange clearance for Sally Sherwin to enter Korea and assist with refurbishing the Bando Hotel.

January 28, 1954

Letter, Chang Jun Yu to Colonel James C. Cross

Chang Jun Yu, Secretary of President Syngman Rhee, asks Colonel James C. Cross to arrange clearance for the Reverend Edward L. Junkin to enter Korea as an advisor to the President and to teach at Chosun Christian University.
