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March 15, 1954

Letter, Yu Chang Jun to General Maxwell D. Taylor

President Syngman Rhee and Mrs. Rhee accept the invitation for an event at Eighth Army Headquarters on March 26.

March 15, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

General Maxwell D.Taylor explains that new authorization is required to provide services to American employees of the Korean government.


The Private Enterprise Plan: Synopsis of Contents

Summary of the Private Enterprise Plan for distributing US foreign aid and its objectives for Korea.

December 1, 1954

Letter, James Cromwell to Syngman Rhee

James Cromwell sends a number of items to Syngman Rhee, including a copy of his speech "A New Foreign Policy for the United States" and information on the Private Enterprise Plan.

March 12, 1954

Letter, B.K. Chun to Tuk Ki Minn, the Presiedent of Chosun Brewery Ltd.

The Bank of the Korea sends a information regarding to the procedure for deposit in United States Dollar or Pound Sterling which are to be obtained by selling beer to the United Nations Armed Forces in Korea.

February 20, 1954

Letter, Colonel Albert H. Dickerson to Tuk ki Minn, President of Chosun Brewery, Ltd.

Chosun Brewery, Ltd. is authorized to sell beer to all United Nations Forces in Korea.

May 20, 1954

Telegram, Kenneth D. Mann to Preston Goodfellow

South Korean tungsten corporation plans to send a survey team to several nations to explore market possibilities. Kenneth recommended conference in Korea prior to dispatch of the team.

February 11, 1954

Letter, Colonel Albert H. Dickerson to Tuk ki Minn, President of Chosun Brewery Company

Chosun Brewery Company's beer is authorized for sale to United Nations Forces.

May 20, 1954

Letter, Preston Goodfellow to Syngman Rhee

Preston Goodfellow proposes that he and Colonel Mann visit Korea to discuss plans for the export of tungsten.

March 16, 1954

Letter, Tuk Ki Minn, President of the Chosun Brewery, to General Maxwell D.Taylor

Tuk Ki Minn, the President of the Chosun Brewery Co., Ltd., requests payment in US dollar currency.
