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June 17, 1954

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League Resolution No. 4

The Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League thanks President Syngman Rhee.

June 17, 1954

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League Resolution No. 3

The Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League "extends deep and sincere thanks and appreciation to the United States" through its Resolution No. 3, passed at a meeting in Chinhae, Korea.

June 17, 1954

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League Resolution No. 2

An expanded version of the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League Resolution No. 2, which was passed during a meeting of the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League in Chinhae, Korea.

June 17, 1954

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League Resolution No. 2

During a meeting of the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League in Chinhae, Korea, delegates declare a "determination to fight the evils of Communism."

June 29, 1954

Letter, President Syngman Rhee to Phra R. Nides

Sygnman Rhee thanks Thai National Assemblyman Phra R. Nides for attending the meeting of the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League in Chinhae, Korea.

July 14, 1954

Letter, Young P. Lee, Acting Chairman of Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League Central Liaison Office, to Nguyen Van Tam

Young P. Lee writes to Nguyen Van Tam and urges him to send delgates to the Central Liaison Office of the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League in Seoul.

December 29, 1954

An Indictment against Soviet Russia as an Aggressor Nation on Chinese Sovereignty

Chan Tai Wai (Chen Dahui) writes to the Chairman of the United Nations General Assembly with a petition against the Soviet Union.

December 29, 1954

Letter, Chan Tai Wai, Chairman of the Chinese Democratic League, to President S.M. Rhee

Chan Tai Wai (Chen Dahui) requests President Syngman Rhee's support in "indicting Soviet Russia for its aggression on Free China."
