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October 8, 1953

Letter, Syngman Rhee's Office to John W. Staggers

Staggers is informed that Syngman Rhee's office will do what it can to expedite his order with Korea House.

April 23, 1954

Letter, James C. Cross to Yu Chang Jun, the Secretary of the President

Clearance is granted for Charles Burton to visit Korea.

September 2, 1953

Letter, John W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

John W. Staggers informs Syngman Rhee about his public perception in the American media.

April 22, 1954

Memorandum Addressed to Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Forces Regarding General Van Fleet's Visit

For the survey of military assistance programs in the Far East, General Van Fleet will visit Korea. It is requested that an officer from each department designated by the respective secretary be appointed to accompany this mission to serve as an advisor.

September 2, 1953

Letter, John W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

John W. Staggers writes about a group of American business men who are interested in purchasing goods from Korea, such as lacquered boxes.

September 2, 1953

Letter, John W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

John W. Staggers writes with information about purchasing a hydro-electric power plant.

April 28, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

General Maxwell D. Taylor requests a meeting with Syngman Rhee to discuss General Van Fleet's visit to Korea.

April 16, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

General Maxwell D. Taylor reports on repair work to the Han River Hi-level Bridge.

September 10, 1953

Letter, Syngman Rhee's Office to John W. Staggers

Reply to John W. Staggers' letters concerning the purchase of Korean goods to sell in America and the purchase of a hydro-electric power plant.

May 8, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to General Maxwell D. Taylor

Response to Taylor's report on repairs to the Han River Highway Bridge.
