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September 23, 1950

CPSU Politburo Decision to Adopt the Attached Draft Response

Telegram telling Vyshinsky to inform Lancaster that Malik consented to a meeting with the assistant Ahesona or one of the American ambassadors, as suggested by Lancaster. Malik should listen to the State Department official and if it's evident that the Americans are taking a step forward towards a peaceful settlement of the Korean question, tell him that Malik should ponder the issues mentioned in the conversation.

September 2, 1950

CPSU Politburo Decision on the Secret Archives of the Syngman Rhee Government

Decision to entrust Vyshinsky to print in the Soviet press the documents found in the archives of the Syngman Rhee government, seized when the communists took Seoul.

February 9, 1950

Outgoing Telegram No. 2429, Vyshinsky to Shtykov

Vyshinsky relays that all of the things that Kim Il Sung requested are allowed.

August 16, 1952

Report to V. M. Molotov on Fascist Vandalism in Tehran

Report on an incident in Tehran, involving the vandalism of a Soviet exhibit, which included likenesses of Soviet leaders. It explicitly blames the Fascist group SUMKA [the Iran National-Socialist Workers]. Attached is a aide-memoire which requests that the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs look into the incident.

May 21, 1952

From the Journal of Y. A. Vyshinsky, 'The Reception of Nadir Arasteh, the Iranian Ambassador in Moscow'

Account of meeting between Vyshinsky and Arasteh. Vyshinsky asks Arasteh to pass a note along to Moscow, regarding the exchange of letters between Mohammad Mossadegh and US Ambassador to Iran, Loy Henderson.

May 13, 1952

Report to I. V. Stalin on Exchange of Letters between Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh and US Ambassador Henderson

Report distributed among top Soviet officials analyzing the exchange of letters between Mohammad Mossadegh and US Deputy Secretary of State Henderson. Notes that, although not explicitly mentioning it, the letters were likely about renewed US military aid to Iran.

April 11, 1952

Report to I. V. Stalin on Ambassador Sadchikov's Conversation with Shaoban Kazemi, Kashani's Secretary

Report on the meeting between Soviet representative, Sadchikov, and Iranian secretary Kashemi, where they discuss the possibility of Iranian sale of oil to the Soviet Union. Sadchikov requests instructions for future meeting. Document reiterates that there should be no Soviet agreement of non-interference in internal Iranian affairs.

September 1, 1951

Minutes No. 83 of VKP(b) CC Politburo Decisions for the Period 2 August - 7 October 1951

CPSU Politburo's instructions to Soviet representatives in Iran, regarding the sale of lubricants to Iran.

September 29, 1951

Report to I. V. Stalin on Soviet-Iranian Financial Negotiations

Report distributed among top Soviet officials updating the ongoing Soviet-Iranian negotiations over financial claims. Notes that Soviet delegation has rejected as premature the Iranian offer to begin working on a final protocol, on the grounds that the balance of favor is leaning too far toward Iran at this point.

September 14, 1951

Report to I. V. Stalin, Soviet-Iranian Financial Negotiations

Report on the status of Soviet-Iranian negotiations over financial claims. Notes that most claims have been renounced, but issue of returning Iranian gold is still contentious, and advises against notifying Iranian delegation of possible further Soviet concessions.
