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September 1, 1979

Cable from the Foreign Ministry, 'Notice on Vice President Mondale's Visit to China'

A summary of Walter Mondale's meetings with Chinese officials, including Deng Xiaoping and Hua Guofeng. Topics of conversation included bilateral relations and the situation in Indochina.

July 28, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 7)

A Chinese Communist Party digest of commentaries about Chinese foreign affairs and domestic politics made by Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang, Deng Xiaoping, Zhang Wenjin, and Huang Hua to various foreign officials from the United States, the Philippines, and other countries.

March 3, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 2)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing a meeting held between Deng Xiaoping and Norodom Sihanouk.

March 16, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 3)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing recent meetings held between Deng Xiaoping and foreign counterparts.

February 6, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 1)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing recent meetings held between Zhao Ziyang and foreign counterparts.

November 10, 1986

Cable No. 3026, Foreign Minister to Ambassador Nakae, 'The Prime Minister’s Visit to China (The Meeting with Chairman Deng - on World Affairs)'

The Japanese Prime Minister and Chairman Deng discuss U.S.-Soviet relations, specifically the recent U.S.-Soviet Summit.

June 4, 1984

Untitled report the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Stefan Olszowski concerning his meeting with the Soviet Ambassador Aleksandr Aksionau in Poland

During a visit to the USSR, Kim Il Sung stressed the unity of socialist countries especially in Southeast Asia. Kim mentioned that DPRK has no intention of attacking South Korea.

May 28, 1987

Letter from Rolf Berthold to Cde. Erich Honecker

In anticipation of a visit by Zhao Ziyang to East Germany, the Ambassador of the GDR in Beijing reports on China's economic reforms, the leadership within the Chinese Communist Party, and China's relations with the GDR, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Japan.

February 7, 1979

Meeting of Former Prime Minister Tanaka and Vice Premier Deng (Summary Record)

Deng and Tanaka discuss Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and ASEAN, among other subjects.

February 7, 1979

General Meeting of Prime Minister and Vice Premier Deng (Summary Record)

Deng and Ohira discuss China and Japan's relations with Pakistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the U.S.
