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July 20, 1965

Note on Conversation Between Nicolae Ceausescu, Ion Gheorghe Maurer, and the Chinese Communist Party Delegation Led by Deng Xiaoping

This note from the dinner participated in by Nicolae Ceausescu, Ion Gheorghe Maurer, and the Chinese C.P. delegatioin at the R.C.P. 9th Congress summarizes the points discussed, including the adoption of a motion regarding the situation in Vietnam, and whether or not the conflict can be peacefully resolved.

March 25, 1965

Transcript of Conversations Between the Romanian Delegation Led by First Secretary of the C.C. of the R.W.P., Nicolae Ceausescu, and the Chinese Delegation, Led by Premier of the Council of State of the Chinese P.R., Zhou Enlai

This conversation between Romanian First Secretary, Nicolae Ceausescu, and the Chinese Premier, Zhou Enlai, states the Chinese desire to strengthen relations between the two countries and discusses the various courses of action that the two could pursue in regards to resolving the Vietnam conflict, should the United States escalate its involvement.

August 4, 1969

Minutes of the Meeting of the Romanian Executive Committee Regarding US President Richard Nixon’s Visit to Romania (2-3 August), and the Discussions that Took Place on that Occasion

Minutes from a meeting of the RCP CC Executive Committee, discussing a meeting between Romanian officials and Nixon's delegation from the United States. They discuss how Nixon proposed they come to some agreement on a peaceful resolution in Vietnam, guaranteeing South Vietnamese sovereignty and democratic elections. On this, both parties agree. They also briefly discuss American industrial and scientific progress.

March 26, 1965

Minutes of a Conversation Between the RCP Leadership led by Nicolae Ceausescu and the CCP Leadership Led by Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai, Maurer, and Ceausescu discuss US military engagement in South Vietnam and USSR's response.

September 7, 1969

Summary of Zhou Enlai’s Talk with Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Romania, in Beijing

Excerpt from a talk with Ion Gheorghe Maurer in which Zhou Enlai discusses the Soviet Union’s role in Vietnamese negotiations. Maurer was leading a Romanian Party and government delegation to attend Ho Chi Minh's funeral in Hanoi. He made a stopover in Beijing on September 7, 1969.

October 5, 1966

Summary of Zhou Enlai's Talk with Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Romania, in Beijing

Excerpt from the talk in which Zhou Enlai explains that China remains opposed to peace negotiations to end the Vietnam War.

January 20, 1965

Minutes of the Meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Pact Member States, Warsaw

(Excerpts) Minutes of discussions of the Warsaw Pact Political Consultative Committee concerning non-proliferation. The Romanian delegation argues against a joint declaration of the Warsaw Pact on non-proliferation for fear that it might be used against China. The other delegations argue that a joint declaration is necessary in order to prevent the creation of the Multilaterall Nuclear Force proposed by NATO.
