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September 1, 1979

Cable from the Foreign Ministry, 'Notice on Vice President Mondale's Visit to China'

A summary of Walter Mondale's meetings with Chinese officials, including Deng Xiaoping and Hua Guofeng. Topics of conversation included bilateral relations and the situation in Indochina.

December 7, 1979

Cable No. 2636, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (Second Summit Meeting, Small Group Meeting)'

Prime Minister Ohira and Premier Hua discuss foreign policy toward Taiwan, Indochina, Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula.

December 6, 1979

Cable No. 2615, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (First Summit Meeting) (A)'

The meeting covers topics about the foreign policy of Japan and China toward the United States, the Korean and Indochinese Peninsulas, and the Soviet Union among other locations.

December 6, 1979

Cable No. 2612, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (Courtesy Call on Premier Hua) (A)'

Premier Hua and Prime Minister Ohira express great interest in strengthening relations between China and Japan.

December 7, 1979

Cable No. 2637, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (Ohira – Deng Meeting) (A)'

Deng explains the "Four Modernizations," and the two sides discuss relations with Vietnam and Cambodia.

December 6, 1979

Cable No. 2630, Ambassador Yoshida to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister's Visit to China (Ohira – Deng Meeting)'

China and Japan discuss Taiwan and the relationship China will allow Japan and other countries to have with Taiwan.

May 22, 1980

The Issue of the North Korean Invasion of the South

Japan and China discuss the possibility of a North Korean invasion of South Korea.

September 1972

Tacit Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Japan

Ohira Masayoshi met with Ji Pengfei and agreed upon tacit agreement which starts with "Taiwan is the territory of the People's Republic of China."

September 1972

Outline Proposal for the Japan-China Joint Declaration

Ohira Masayoshi, the Japanese Foreign Minister, and Ji Pengfei, the Chinese Foreign Minister, met together and agreed upon outline proposal for the Japan-China Joint Declaration.

September 1972

Joint Declaration between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Japan

Ohira Masayosh and Ji Penfei agreed on the joint declaration between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of Japan.
