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November 7, 1953

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Sohn Won-Wil, Minister of National Defense of ROK

General Taylor requests housing and office space for C. Tyler Wood, Economic Coordinator for Korea.

February 3, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Minister of Foreign Affairs Byeon Yeong-tae

General Maxwell D.Taylor writes that he has forwarded Pyun [Byeon]'s letter regarding the application of Korean law to the soldiers of the Eighth United States Army to the Commander in chief of the United Nations Command.

February 17, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Minister of Foreign Affairs Byeon Yeong-tae

General Maxwell D. Taylor, on behalf of General Hull, reports that the United Nations Command has no jurisdictions over North Korean ex- prisoners of war who choose to proceed to a neutral country.

May 11, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Baek Du-jin, the Prime Minister of ROK

General Maxwell D. Taylor suggests cooperative efforts between the ROK National Police and the Eighth United States Army to halt black market activities.

December 1954

Message, President Syngman Rhee to General Taylor and his forces

In this Christmas Message, President Rhee addresses General Taylor and the US Forces. He praises the US troops for their victory against the communist aggression during the Korean War. Rhee recognizes America for continuing to “defend human liberty” not only in Korea but in all of Asia. Rhee ends the message with the goal of creating a “free, united, and democratic” Korea.