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November 21, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, 'Egyptian Newspaper Carries Its Correspondent’s Report on the Conversation between Amer and Chairman Mao'

An Egyptian reporter published an article on National Defense Minister Amer's visit to the Soviet Union. There he thanked Mao for China's support during Egypts struggle for independence.

October 11, 1957

From the Journal of P. F. Yudin, Record of a Conversation with Mao Zedong on 11 October 1957'

Soviet Ambassador Yudin visited the Indian exhibition in Peking with Chairman Mao and Liu Shaoqi. Chairman Mao congratulated the Soviet Union on its latest achievements in missile and satellite developments and stated that the balance of power now shifted towards communist states.

October 16, 1949

From the Diary of N.V. Roshchin: Memorandum of Conversation with Chairman Mao Zedong on 16 October 1949

Soviet Ambassador to China Roshchin records his conversation with Chairman Mao Zedong where he congratulates Mao on the successes of the People's Liberation Army. Mao assures Roshchin that China will not take up diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia, and that it will officially recognize the GDR once the Soviet Union does.

September 6, 1954

Australian Government Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, to the Secretary, Department of External Affairs, 'Visit to China by the British Labour Party Delegation'

This is a report on a visit by Clement Attlee's Labor Party delegation to China in August 1954. The report covers wide ground, summarizing the delegates' experiences and views on events in China, and contains a short account of Attlee's conversation with Mao Zedong. Mao and Attlee disagreed about the Soviet Union's policy towards Eastern Europe, and Mao, after defending the Soviet record, in the end admitted that he simply did not know enough about the situation in Eastern Europe. There was also some discussion of Taiwan, though Attlee was given the impression that China would not attack Taiwan for at least 10 years. There is also an interesting quote: "The delegation... received or were confirmed in the impression that the Chinese Government was... living in a world of delusions. The state had been reached where the Central People's Government viewed the outside world not as it was but according to how they thought it should be."

September 18, 1956

Conversation records between Chairman Mao Zedong and the Soviet Communist Party Delegation, 18 September 1956

Mao Zedong and the Soviet Community Party Delegation exchanged views on Korean issues and a potential visit by Kim Il Sung to the PRC.

December 21, 1955

From the Journal of Pavel F. Yudin: Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong on 21 December 1955

Mao Zedong discusses the progress of collectivizing agriculture in China as well as the state takeover of private industries in cities.

October 26, 1954

Minutes of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Third Meeting with Nehru

Om the final day of Nehru's visit, he and Mao discuss Soviet technical assistance and relations with Burma.

October 21, 1954

Minutes of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Conversation with Nehru at the Banquet Hosted by the Indian Ambassador

Mao Zedong and Nehru talked about mutual cooperation and the Tibetan issue. Mao stated that cooperation has to be mutually beneficial. He then promised a small number of troops to guard Tibet, and Ambassador Raghavan replied that India trusts China on the Tibet issue.

October 19, 1954

Minutes of Chairman Mao Zedong’s First Meeting with Nehru

Mao Zedong and Nehru discuss Sino-Indian relations, the political situation in Asia, and the role of the United States in world politics.

October 23, 1954

Minutes of Talks with Mao Tse-tung, Beijing, 23 October 1954. Extracts.

Mao Zedong and Nehru discuss Chinese foreign policies toward war and peace.
