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February 8, 1961

Record of Conversation from Chairman Mao’s Reception of French Senator François Mitterrand

Mao Zedong and Francois Mitterrand discussed interests and conflicts over the Algeria Revolution and sought ways to peacefully reconcile differences.

October 4, 1960

Main Points of Chairman Mao’s Conversation with Premier Abbas on September 30, 1960

Mao Zedong expressed Chinese support of the Algeria revolution against French colonialism to the Provision Government of the Algerian Republic President Ferhat Abbas.

January 12, 1959

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Summary of Conversation between Chairman Mao and Governor Sampaio of Brazil'

President Mao Zedong exchanged views with Governor Sampaio on Chinese development, the role of Asia, Africa, and Latin America vis-a-vis the West, and Brazilian foreign policy. Mao also describes his personal studies of the English language.

November 21, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, 'Egyptian Newspaper Carries Its Correspondent’s Report on the Conversation between Amer and Chairman Mao'

An Egyptian reporter published an article on National Defense Minister Amer's visit to the Soviet Union. There he thanked Mao for China's support during Egypts struggle for independence.

October 23, 1954

Minutes of Talks with Mao Tse-tung, Beijing, 23 October 1954. Extracts.

Mao Zedong and Nehru discuss Chinese foreign policies toward war and peace.

October 23, 1954

Minutes of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Second Meeting with Nehru

Mao and Nehru have an extensive discussion about global affairs, the legacy of World War II, and the likelihood of another world war.

September 11, 1969

Note of Conversation between Ion Gheorge Maurer and Zhou Enlai on 11 September 1969

Zhou Enlai describes his his meeting with Aleksey Kosygin to Ion Gheorge Maurer. The Enlai and Kosygin agree that they will keep the status quo along the Sino-Soviet border, as to not let it come to violence. They also agreed verbally to rework the old border treaties, created in the imperial era. Enlai holds that there are too many differences between China and the USSR to work out easily, but Maurer states that it is a good start.

November 1957

Friendship and Solidarity Among Socialist Countries

Kim Il Sung's article, originally published in Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, thanks the Soviet Union and China for assisting North Korea while deriding American foreign policy.

April 24, 1970

Letter, UNCURK Principal Secretary Kuzbari to UN Chef de Cabinet Narasimhan, Joint Communique between DPRK and PRC

The joint communique issued by the governments of the DPRK and PRC stressed the strengthening alliance between the two countries, the U.S. as the main agressor, the hope for reunification of the Koreas and Chinas, and the condemnation of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

August 6, 1971

Letter of Enver Hoxha, Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania, to Mao Zedong, Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party

In a letter to Chairman Mao and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Enver Hoxha wrote, on behalf of the Labor Party of Albandia, about Albania's position regarding President Nixon's upcoming visit to China. Albania did not approve nor support this visit due to American imperialism and U.S. protests against Marxism-Lenninism.
