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July 9, 1945

Record of a Meeting Between T. V. Soong and Stalin

Dr. Soong reports Chiang Kai-Shek's response to the stalemate on the question of Outer Mongolia to Stalin and Molotov. Chiang insists on preserving the territorial integrity of China vis a vis Outer Mongolia and Manchuria, and that China's sovereignty in Manchuria should be reinforced by Chinese administration of Port Arthur and Dairen. Stalin asks to think over his decision before responding to Chiang.

November 10, 1937

Letter from Governor Sheng Shicai to Cde. V. M. Molotov

Sheng Shicai expresses gratitude to Cde. V. M. Molotov for Soviet assistance with eliminating the 36th Division of the NRA from the South of Xinjiang and combating a Trotskyist plot in Xinjiang. He requests Molotov's assistance with "implementing the policy of the six principles" in Xinjiang and turning it into a model province.

January 10, 1939

Concerning Soviet Troops in Xinjiang

The Politburo transfers Soviet military units deployed in Xinjiang and supervision of the Xinjiang army to the control of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

February 7, 1936

Concerning Negotiations with Ma Zhongying of the 36th Devision of the National Revolutionary Army

The Politburo accepts Ma Zhongying's proposal and recommends that the Urumqi government agree to appropriate concessions in peace talks with the 36th Division.

October 3, 1935

Concerning Relations with the 36th Division (National Revolutionary Army)

The Politburo orders the NKVD to seek, with the cooperation of Ma Zhongying, commander of the 36th Division of the National Revolutionary Army, the departure of the NRA division commanders most hostile to the Xinjiang government. The Politburo also instructs the NKVT and NKID to commence trade with the 36th Division immediately.

September 13, 1935

Politburo Decisions of 13 September 1935 Concerning Xinjiang

The Politburo directs manpower and funds to support the Xinjiang army and accepts the text of an agreement between the Mongolian People's Republic and Manchukuo on the issue of a border commission.

August 27, 1945

Report from Cde. Yegnarov to Cde. Beria

Yegnarov reports on several successful Red Army military operations in the Ili District at the end of August, including Firsov's seizure of Chinese supply trucks and the forced retreat of a Chinese brigade by Leskin's cavalry brigade. He also notes a raid on Kobuk by Chinese aircraft, which killed four Soviet soldiers.

July 18, 1945

Coded Message from Cde. Sergey to Cdes. Pavel and Petrov

Cde. Sergey reports on a battle in Yamatu between Chinese troops and a rebel detachment from Tarbagatai [Tacheng] District and advises the Red Army to send a detachment led by Sufy Akhum Surbayev to the region of Bay-Aksu [Akesu] to conduct partisan operations.

July 1945

Telegram from Cde. Yegnarov for Cde. Beria

Cde. Yegnarov reports on his meeting with "Sadyk," noting his persistent requests to begin military operations against the Chinese and for "Sadyk" to lead the operation against the Chinese in the South of Xinjiang. Yegnarov also describes military maneuvers in the Ili District and requests permission to transfer Red Army detachments in order to liberate the Tarbaghatai District.

April 29, 1945

Report from L. Beria and A. Vyshinsky to Cde. I.V. Stalin

Beria and Vyshinsky summarize the prevailing conditions in the Ili District of Xinjiang, describing the equipment and foodstuffs seized by the rebels, the extent of Chinese army losses, and the provisional government headed by Alihan Tore Shakirjan. Urging Stalin to support the Ili Muslims' liberation movement, they offer suggestions for future actions in support of the rebel army.
