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June 25, 1979

Soviet Ambassador to Cuba V.I. Vorotnikov, Memorandum of Conversation with Fidel Castro

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador Vorotnikov and Fidel Castro

December 27, 1979

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.S. Seletskii and Jose Antonio Arbesu, Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba and Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee about the US-Cuban relations

May 25, 1980

Transcript of Conversation between Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and East German leader Erich Honecker, Havana, (excerpt)

Memorandum of conversation between Castro and Honecker regarding the bilateral relations, US-Cuban relations, and Soviet-Cuban relations

November 23, 1981

Transcript of Meeting between US Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr., and Cuban Vice Premier Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Mexico City

Memorandum of conversation taken during the secret meeting between Alexander Haig and Cuban Vice Premier arranged by Carlos R. Rodriguez, Mexican Foreign Minister, in Mexico City

November 4, 1962

Meeting of the Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba with Mikoyan in the Presidential Palace

Minutes of the meeting between Anastas Mikoyan, Fidel Castro, and other members of the Secretariat of the ORI in the Old Presidential Palace. The purpose of this meeting is to resolve differences between the Cuban and Soviet governments in order to protect Marxist principles. Among other things, they discuss economic sanctions against Cuba, military intervention by other Latin American countries, the importance of the Cuban revolution to Marxism, and Cuba's relationship with the United States.

November 10, 1962

Message from Raul Roa to the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Regarding Cuban Missile Crisis Resolution

Coding cable number 725 from Raul Roa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations. He discusses the inspections of the Soviet navy and the packing and return of missiles.

November 11, 1962

Message from Raul Roa to Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Regarding Brazillian Proposal

Cable coded number 727 from Raul Roa to Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations. Offers three amendments to Brazillian proposal: include Puerto Rico and the Panama Canal in the territorial region, guarantee that nuclear bombs won't be used against Latin America, and the suppression of certain military bases in Latin America or Africa with nuclear potential, including Guantanamo.

December 3, 1963

Notes from Carlos Lechuga in a New York bookstore

October 22 1962 - December 03 1963. Personal notes of Ambassador Carlos Lechuga (transcription of the manuscript originally composed by Lechuga). Thoughts about the Cold War are organized in a loose timeline.

October 31, 1962

Cable from Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko to USSR Ambassador to Cuba A.I. Alekseev (2)

Gromyko telling Alekseev to relay instructions to Castro, namely for Castro to take strides in normalizing relations with the US and other Latin American countries.

November 7, 1967

Complaint by [Government of] Brazil Regarding Czechoslovak Transport of Guerrilla Fighters from Cuba to Latin America

Head of the 1st Administration of the Ministry of the Interior Josef Houska reports a complaint by the Brazilian government regarding to Czechoslovak assistance of transporting guerrilla fighters from Cuba to Latin America. Brazilian government issued an official warning that relations between Brazil and Czechoslovak could be deteriorated in connection with the support for Cuba. Houska says Brazilian officials' argument could be proof that Czechoslovak specially selected officials making technical arrangement for the transits belong to some section of the Czechoslovak civil service. However, the Czechoslovak authorities cannot be blamed that they go along with the activities of the Cuban Embassy in Prague, which controls the transport of the guerrillas since an embassy is entitled to engage in full diplomatic activities in a friendly country. Houska argues that the Brazilian government does not have conceret evidence for the direct accusation of Czechoslovakia. The position of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs could have been the result of pressure by ultra-reactionary forces in domestic policy which are concerned by the opposition activities in Brazil and abroad.
